CHILDREN in the developed world are eating their body weight in sugar every year – or so the latest UK government figures suggest.
And now sugary breakfast cereals have been named and shamed as part of a campaign to improve children’s diets.
In her Sugar Snub food guide, nutritionist Claire White outs Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Chocolate Curls as the worst of the worst, containing three teaspoons of sugar per serving.
It is closely followed by Morrisons Ice Flakes and Kellogg’s Frosties, both of which also have super-high sugar content.
This particular white powder (legal) has probably done more damage to humanity than ALL the other white powders (illegal) put together.
It is’nt just the sugar that is bad. Kellog’s manufacturing process destroys all the fibre. It’s now almost impossible to buy bog standard muesli that does’nt have added sugar.