3 Feb, 2016 @ 11:25
1 min read

VIDEO: Animal rights group PACMA slams rat-throwing festival in Valencia

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AN animal rights charity is fighting to ban an ‘immoral’ and ‘disgusting’ festival which involves people throwing rats at one another.

Campaign group PACMA is calling for the Valencian festival to be banned.

In footage of the ‘Battle of the Rats’ in the town of El Puig, onlookers are shown hurling rats at one another from across the street.

Others fling them from balconies and a huge number of children are also involved.

The rats are believed to be dead before they are thrown at one another.

Rob Horgan

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  1. The deeper one delves into Spanish culture, the more one despairs of these people. The dead rats have a greater brain capacity than those taking part in this idiotic display. A great example to the many children present too.

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