TWO weeks into the new year and already I’ve gotten off to a very bad start to 2016.

Like many, I’m not one for making new year’s resolutions – mainly because after a week I forget about ever making them, and if you can’t make a promise to change during the rest of the year then why would the first of January be any different?
But it’s the thought that come the first of January the slate is wiped clean and there is a fresh and unknown horizon waiting for each of us.
I spent the majority of 2015 in a negative mindset. It was a big year, in that I had final exams but the pressure was building with all the studying. I wanted 2015 to be full of positivity, but unfortunately I let people’s comments and actions get in the way of my happiness.
There are no new year resolutions for 2016, but it’s going to very different from last year.
I want my year to be full of positivity. There will be no more negativity. The negativity has stayed in the past with 2015.
2016 is going to involve more travelling, more writing and generally going with the flow and not worrying about what people think.
January is a just a new month, but it’s a new month that has given me so much motivation and inspiration to make this year the best one yet.