16 Jan, 2016 @ 11:31
1 min read

Spanish goat semen is to be transported to South America


goatGOAT semen from Malaga is in high demand.

The Malaga Goat Association has seen exports of goat semen go through the roof in the past 12 months.

Exporting as far away as South America, Malaga’s goat semen has become sought-after as Spain’s goats produce up to twice as much milk as those elsewhere.

Mexico, Peru and Cuba will be the first recipients of the product, with the United States also showing an interest.

Rob Horgan

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  1. Wow, that is so funny, even funnier than if it was about Spanish goats being recruited as seamen for the Argentine navy.

    Ah well, so long as it balances out the finances!

  2. Perhaps another explanation might be the lack of herders’ and ayuntamiento interest in keeping the goats out of neighborhood gardens. Maybe all those flowers and vegetables increase milk production.:)

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