10 Jan, 2016 @ 10:09
1 min read

Vehicle insurance in Spain

malaga road

malaga roadSOME insurance policies, like medical or travel cover, are optional.

Your vehicle however, must be insured at all times, even if it’s kept off the road in a garage.

The minimum legal compulsory insurance is Civil Liability to cover any damage to or claims from a third party, resulting from your vehicle.

The existing legislation states that any car that is kept in Spain must be insured.

Only trailers and other special types of vehicles that weigh less than 750kg and cannot be driven on Spanish roads do not require insurance.

If you own a vehicle that’s not insured you could face a fixed penalty of between €601 and €3,005, and your vehicle may be seized and immobilised.

However, if your vehicle has officially been temporarily or permanently taken out of circulation, for example if it has been scrapped, then no insurance is required.

If you own a vehicle that is not being used and you wish to avoid paying for insurance, then you can apply to have it temporarily taken out of circulation. However, to do this the vehicle needs to have passed its MOT.

If you require an insurance policy for your vehicle, contact Línea Directa on 902123282.

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