26 Dec, 2015 @ 09:54
1 min read

King of Spain’s Christmas speech calls for unity after general election uncertainty

KING FELIPE: Won't call parties together

KING Felipe VI has stressed the importance of Spanish unity in the wake of the general election and calls for Catalan independence in 2015.

The ruling monarch made the traditional Christmas address with the country’s political system fragmented and no party holding an absolute majority.

KING FELIPE: Calls for Spanish unity
KING FELIPE: Calls for Spanish unity

Felipe will meet with the country’s leaders in January and nominate a candidate he believes is most likely to win a vote of confidence in Congress.

“Political plurality, expressed at the ballot box, without a doubt offers different sensitivities, visions and perspectives; and it involves a way of exercising politics based on dialogue, consensus and commitment,” said King Felipe.

“I sincerely believe that we are living today in times where it is more necessary than ever to recognise everything that unites us.”

Joe Duggan (Reporter)

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