ARCHEOLOGISTS believe they have located the burial site of the Spanish Armada’s crew.
Their analysis of earth disturbances reveal that almost 1,000 soldiers and sailors lie in a burial mound near Spanish Point in Ireland’s County Clare.
It is thought that the crew of two shipwrecked Spanish galleons, the San Marcos and the San Esteban, could be buried there. The wooden ships ran aground over 400 years ago but have never been found.
“If you found the bodies, you’d have to decide whether to exhume them but you’d have to have a very good reason to be digging them up,” military archaeologist Damian Shiels told The Sunday Times.
Phillipe el Secundo – a lisping stupid prat that began the destruction of the Spanish empire. Sending huge deep ocean vessels to fight in the shallow Channel and North Sea. Drake did’nt defeat the Spanish Armada, the storms did.
You take ’em where you can get ’em Stuart. The Coalition didn’t defeat Hitler, the Russian winter did. That leaves Churchill in the same boat as Drake.
And 20 million Russian dead and the brilliantly simple deisel T45 tank. Churchill, the fat arrogant drunk wrongly credited with so much. The only reason he opposed Hitler was because if the Austrians and Germans had landed it was the useless elite that would have been sent to the camps, not the well trained artisans of the working class.
Sorry to interrupt, but didn’t the WWII victories — on both the Eastern & Western fronts — get just little boost from a couple of G.I.s, not to mention those Yank shiploads of tanks, planes, fuel and food?
And yes, the Armada was destroyed by Atlantic storms driving it’s ships onto the West coast of Ireland, but the Spanish fleet only that got that far west, on the run from it’s decisive defeat by Drake and Howard in the battles in the English Channel and North Sea.
No Alun Whittaker,
your spouting English propoganda, a few fire ships was all the English used as they could’nt take the huge Spanish galleons on as they would have been blown to pieces by the totally superior firepower of the Spanish. It was the storm winds that blew the Spanish up the Channel and into the North Sea. In the Atlantic and the Carribean it was a different matter.
Yes the Americans, I would’nt call a Southerner a Yank if I were you, it could be fatal, did sell us all those things at extortionist prices which debt we only finished paying off after 2000, don’t try and make out that they gave us anything. Their soldiers. I suggest you talk to the German soldiers about them and forget all those b/s movies made after the war.
Cassereine Pass where the Afrika Korps had them screaming like schoolgirls and running away. My father and one of my uncles were there. After they turned and ran 3 times the British,South Africans,Kiwis and Aussies set up machine guns and told them “you run again and it won’t be the Germans that kill you.
Normandy – D-day + 3 saw the Brits,Canadians and Free French taking the brunt of the German counter-offensive – where were the Americans – still on the beaches. Caen – the Das Reich division with only 40% of their Panzer Mk 1Vs and Tiger tanks in action slammed into the Americans who turned and ran and left the Canadians, Wessex rifles and the Black Watch outflanked, you need to hear what the survivors say about American soldiers.
That the Das Reich division did’nt have all their totally superior tanks in action is down to the heroic French partisans and their destruction of the railway network or the whole Normandy invasion could have been a catastrophe and that with only this one crack division there as all the other best divisions desperately trying to stop the Soviet advance in the East.
The Aredenne, where whole regiments of German schoolboys nearly pushed the cowardly Americans back into the sea. The weather turned and it was only the combined airforces of the Brits and Americans that turned the tide and sent the Germans into retreat, since by that time the Luftwaffe was virtually non existant.
Did you know that it fell to the British and canadian Generals to rouse the Americans in the Ardenne because not one American general had the balls to go to the front.
That all major engagements against the best of the German army were fought in the north by Brits,Canadians,Poles,Free French, Aussies and Kiwis and where were the Americans in the south with a free run led by the stupid prat Patton.
No it was the Soviets that beat the Austrians and Germans and I have never met a soldier who actually fought against the Nazis say otherwise. They wrre’nt much good agai st a peasant army in Vietnam were they, just ask any of the Australian SAS who were there but their answer would be unprintable.
You may well not know this but in 1945 the American high command made a decision that – in future they would never attack an enemy that was equal to them, that they would only ever engage a totally inferior enemy, says all you need to know.