4 Dec, 2015 @ 11:24
1 min read

Amy Fitzpatrick’s mum pleads with Irish courts to allow husband David Mahon to travel to Portugal

Dave mahon and audrey
Mum Audrey Fitzpatrick and stepdad Dave Mahon
Audrey and Dave Mahon
Audrey and Dave Mahon

THE mother of missing Amy Fitzpatrick, Audrey Mahon, says she needs her husband David Mahon to travel to Portugal with her to cope with stress. 

David is awaiting trial for the murder of Audrey’s son Dean Fitzpatrick and Irish courts have refused to grant David bail to travel abroad.

Audrey says she needs to travel to combat her depression and that she will not be able to travel alone due to her medical condition.

“I need him with me,” she said. “He is my full-time carer. If I get the holiday on my own I can’t go. He has looked after me since all this happened.”

He had been granted similar bail in September where he travelled to the Costa del Sol to attend a service for Amy.

However, his bail has been denied this time, with Detective Eddie Carroll concerned that Mahon is a ‘flight risk’.

Rob Horgan

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