KEEP an eye on your cheese and wine this weekend. Celebrity chef Anthony Worrall Thompson is coming to Gibraltar.
The Rock’s foodies are getting ready, steady for the arrival of the TV chef, who was famously caught pilfering from a Tesco store in Henley three years ago.
Worrall Thompson, who appeared in ‘I’m a celebrity… get me out of here!’ in 2003, is set to prepare a festival lunch on November 14 at the O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel.
Later that day, at 5pm, he will be interviewed at the hotel by food writer Donald Sloan.
Having found fame on shows such as ‘Ready, Steady, Cook’ and ‘Saturday Kitchen’, Worrall Thompson now spends much of his time at his villa down the coast in Mijas.
Meanwhile, the ‘Medicinal Chef’, a.k.a. Dale Pinnock, was also due to be appearing at the festival in an interview with Sloan, as well as preparing the menu for the closing dinner on Sunday November 15.
However, the expert nutritionist cancelled his appearance, citing an ‘inability to travel to Gibraltar due to unforeseen circumstances’.
For more information on the festival, visit www.gibraltarliteraryfestival.com