27 Oct, 2015 @ 11:30
1 min read

British father dies ‘covered in bruises’ in Spanish prison after arrest for being rowdy

antony abbott e
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A BRITISH father has died in a Spanish prison after police arrested him for ‘rowdy’ behaviour.

Antony Abbott, 36, was in Benidorm with his family when his drinking led hotel staff to call the authorities.

Within 60 minutes of being taken to the police station the father-of-two from greater Manchester was dead.

And was suspiciously found the next day to have multiple bruises to his head.

His partner, Catherine Corless, and two children who were staying with him at the Hotel Palm Beach do not know the cause of death.

But Corless is seeking answers after she discovered his head injuries.

“He can be a bit of a show off when he’s had a drink,” she said.


“When I went to identify the body on Saturday, he had bruises all over his head.”

The couple and two kids Ellie, 8, and Louie, 7, were told he was dead just half an hour after being taken to the station.

Several family members have flown out to Spain while police are not imparting any information.

The foreign office has stated that it is in contact with local authorities and providing support.

Iona Napier

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  1. Here we go again – Alcohol and the English. This just could’nt have happened if he was’nt drunk. The foreign Office is’nt really concerned if your not public school, so what happened in the police station will never be revealed.
    Why can’t so many English handle alcohol – that’s the question so many English simply can’t face, that they have severe dysfunctional problems and alcohol releases all the pent up problems.

    • Stuart Crawford——-ARE you for real with that comment!!!!, a guy is dead within 30 mins of being in police custody covered in bruises and suddenly you seem to have the case solved, and why do you accuse the English here of being ‘bad’ boozers, have you never been out drinking in Scotland, Ireland, Wales they are the same if not worst after a drink, lets hope you are never asked to perform jury service.

    • bit smug of you, have you never had a drink, and plenty of spanish certainly have. I hate it when the people on here slag off the brits and make them out to be soooo bad. maybe you should have a drink might make you feel better. take a chill pill silly man.

  2. Stuart,what has the UK done to you that you dispise it so much???? Love to know if you hold a British passport? O.press if this comment was made about migrants,black people you would edit it ????

    • PG—–quite right!!!!, but I believe stuart is a popular name north of the border with England, and has his gripe is with English drinkers one does have to ask whether stuart has an axe to grind ???

      • Now who’s the racist. His name is popular north of the border? Oh dear. He’s right in some respects. An ENGLISH journalist wrote a very good article a few years back in an attempt to dissect the reasons why the ENGLISH (not the Scots, Welsh or Irish) behave in the way they do in places such as Ibiza and he concluded that the ENGLISH have identity problems. This I believe is due to the still-existing class system that is inherent in ENGLISH society.

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