17 Sep, 2015 @ 12:45
1 min read

EXCLUSIVE: Expat left for dead after hit-and-run incident

Alfie Martin  e
Alfie Martin, 20, has been left with fractures to his pelvis and spine, as well as a smashed hip and broken cheekbone
Alfie Martin, 20, has been left with fractures to his pelvis and spine, as well as a smashed hip and broken cheekbone
Alfie Martin, 20, has been left with fractures to his pelvis and spine, as well as a smashed hip and broken cheekbone

A YOUNG British expat has been left with ‘horrific injuries’ after he was hit by a speeding vehicle, near Torre del Mar.

Alfie Martin, 20, has been left with fractures to his pelvis and spine, as well as a smashed hip and broken cheekbone.

Martin was left for dead by the side of the road, while walking home to his village of Sayalonga at 1.30am after a night out with friends.

His parents only discovered his plight, when they were called by a neighbour some hours later.

Gary, 59, and Carole Martin, 61, from Sussex, rushed to their only child’s bedside in Velez Malaga hospital.

“Whoever did this is an animal. I don’t know how they can live with themselves, leaving someone for dead like that,” Gary told the Olive Press.

“I would not do that to a dog, let alone a human being. Alfie looks like a smashed packet of crisps.

He added: “The whole village has been up in arms. He could not get more support than he is getting.”

Unconfirmed reports suggest a suspect has been arrested, although the Guardia Civil would not comment.

Alfie had been due to travel to France to work with a cousin in the coming weeks.

That trip has been cancelled and Alfie has been moved to a Malaga hospital where he will undergo surgery.

Joe Duggan (Reporter)

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