13 Sep, 2015 @ 17:30
1 min read

Spanish phone providers to up European roaming charges

Phone charges are going up

Phone charges are going upEXPATS phoning home will have to fork out more as Spanish operators up their roaming fees.

Spain is the only country which currently adds on an additional charge for calls between European countries – and the price is about to go up.

Currently standing at 20 cents a call, mobile providers Orange, Vodafone, Yoigo and Movistar are set to raise the cost by 10% to 22 cent, per call.

Rob Horgan

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  1. I think that you and more particularly the Spanish telephony companies will find that this is against a recently passed EU law. I trust that the EU will take firm action, perhaps starting with a 1 million euro fine each month until they come into line!! The Spanish seem determined to drive ex-pats out of the country – then they will find out what a 3rd world country feels like!

  2. When has doing something that is against an EU law deterred Spain? lol. This act might be an interim rise before the new EU law is passed. All I ever hear is people saying how ‘cheap’ Spain is, and how you get more ‘bang for your buck’. Alas, untrue.

  3. John, if people cannot afford to use such luxury then don’t use it, and it a luxury. Tap in a number almost anywhere in the World and bingo it’s there. John, don’t know how old you are but I recall one booked almost three months in advance to make a phone call to America at Christmas time, and to top it all they would phone you back to say that sometime on that day they would inform you when connection was available, so you hung about all day. But today people will moan about anything, it’s their nature.

  4. They’ll get away with it or at least for a while as they do with their other charges e.g. ADSL for which we’re charged amongst the highest in Europe & in return we get amongst the lowest speeds in Europe.

  5. John, I think you’ll find that people do worry when their bills increase by 10% overnight, hence the EU law to prohibit this activity. If people were not worried, the EU would not have sought to change the law.

  6. If they live in Spain I thought people would have a landline. If they are on holiday why are they ringing people when they are paying to enjoy themselves. If they are business people then it is part of business expenses.
    I was in Spain for over a month and made one call on my mobile.
    Also I did not realise that the phone calls were going up 10%, I thought the charge was going up 10% seems misleading I think

  7. Strange response from you John, you seem to be saying that because you don’t use a mobile phone, no one else needs to. I don’t use one daily myself, as I mentioned, but I do have an emergency one in the car. Mobile phones are very popular in Spain, which is why the average Spanish high street has more mobile phone shops than any other business these days – perhaps you didn’t notice that seeing as you don’t live in Spain I recall. Anyway, 2017 is when the EU brings in the new roaming price laws, so Spain has a couple of years to fleece more people.

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