BRITISH Prime Minister David Cameron has warned Catalan nationalists that independence would also mean leaving the EU.
Cameron was speaking in Madrid at a joint press conference with Mariano Rajoy when he addressed the issue of independence in Catalunya.
He was also a staunch opponent of Scottish independence before the referendum in September last year.
“Just like the UK, Spain is a great country with a long and proud history, and if I had a message, it would be the same as the one in the UK, that we are better off together,” said Cameron.
“If one part of a state secedes, it’s no longer part of the European Union and has to take its place at the back of the queue behind those other countries applying to become members of the European Union,” he added.
The regional elections planned for September 27 in Catalunya are seen as a proxy for a vote on independence.
If nationalists win, they are threatening to declare unilateral independence which would automatically remove Catalunya from the EU, forcing them to the bottom of the waiting list.
Only last week, Angela Merkel also called on Catalunya to respect the ‘sovereignty and integrity’ of each state.
The irony is off the wall. Here’s Cameron who has agreed to a referendum on leaving the EU, thereby endangering our membership. Now, preaching it’s blessings and the dangers of being outside it, to others.
The EU was created for only one reason – to facilitate big business. All the b/s about stopping wars in the future was just that.
The quicker it disintegrates the better. Then there is a chance to set up a real Community of Europeans that benefits the land and it’s diverse peoples. Is there a single idiot that cannot see that everything is geared to the greed of Europe’s elites and big business. Talk of changing it by remaining within is ludicrous – discard hope and grasp reality.
But the believe is that the UK stands a better chance then Spain.
Quote ‘the quicker it disintegrates the better’ absolutely right Stuart.
The EU is a blooming failed project and is a money-pit for many countries whilst helping poorer countries, it’s one huge bureaucratic nightmare that fills the pockets of so many idiots like Van Rumpy Tumpy and others who have the nerve to tell sovereign states how much they must spend and how to run their countries.
In the long run it’s more likely to cause wars, and especially tensions between neighbours as the migrant crisis is doing.
I really hope the UK votes out and maybe others will follow, then trade with who we like, close our borders to who we like and chuck out evil b——s who ply their fanaticism and fraud! But that is my opinion!
Stuart, you may find this of interest.
Smedley Butler said: “Beautiful ideals were painted for our boys who were sent out to die. This [World War I] was the “war to end wars.” This was the “war to make the world safe for democracy.” No one told them that dollars and cents were the real reason. No one mentioned to them, as they marched away, that their going and their dying would mean huge war profits. No one told these American soldiers that they might be shot down by bullets made by their own brothers here. . . They were just told it was to be a “glorious adventure.”