TWO British policemen have joined a new international force in Magaluf, Mallorca aimed at smoothing tension between tourists and locals.

Anderson and Williams, the two officers, join four Germans, three Italians and two Frenchmen on this uniformed squad.
The group will patrol with the Guardia Civil and National Police, and hope in the future to be involved in cases regarding foreign nationals.
The British Embassy released a comment citing their hopes that the presence of the British officers will inspire British tourists to display better behaviour, and thus cause less friction with the local residents.
What absolute nonsense. The Guardia Civil can’t knock drunken heads together? Do me a favour!
These two “beat bobbies”, one male, one female, are currently patrolling between 7am. and 10pm (with a film crew in attendance). While the loonies are sleeping it off and britain is short of cops due to fiscal cuts.
Both police forces must have decided which hours would have been the best times, but between 10pm to 7am appears to be when most of the problems begin.