FLOWER power, peace and love will bring a Sixties flavour to the Festival Arte Sano in San Pedro later this month.

The healing and performing arts festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a throwback to the era of free love and psychedelia over the weekend July 25-26.
Arte Sano X is the largest alternative free festival on the coast, showcasing the best of natural health products and personal development therapies, as well as art and dance.
More healthy food stalls than you can shake a broccoli stalk at are on hand to keep hunger at bay, while a full programme of fun family activities is planned throughout the weekend.
The festival – attended by over 6,000 people last year – takes place on the seafront prom, with a yoga space, a colourful market place and a children’s area.
The free event takes place from 11am to midnight. For more information visit www.festivalartesano.com