1 Jul, 2015 @ 14:19
1 min read

British holidaymakers warned of terror threat to Spain

Terrorism hotspot
Terrorism hotspots
Terrorism hotspots
Terrorism hotspots

SPAIN is among a number of holiday hotspots that the British foreign office has identified as at ‘high risk’ of a terrorist attack.

A report by the foreign office states that there is ‘currently a high threat from terrorism and attacks’ in tourist hotspots in Europe and North Africa.

Thousands of British holidaymakers are now trying to cancel or change their holiday plans, following the tragedy in Tunisia, which saw at least 30 Brits killed.

The Spanish authorities are taking measures to protect visitors, but the foreign office has urged those travelling abroad to be ‘vigilant’.

Other countries determined as ‘high risk’ include France, Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt.

Rob Horgan

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  1. Strange really that the Foreign Office mentioned Spain, France, Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt and not mention Britain that was also on a high alert of terrorist activity list.
    Perhaps they are hoping that holiday makers will forsake those destinations and make a bee-line to Britain. But they could also warn that if Britain was chosen they couldn’t guarantee any Sun, miles of sandy beach, a inviting sea and of course cheap Sangria.

  2. Notices of “terrorist threats” from the UK Home/Homely Office, do not stop UK tourists from taking tours to dangerous areas. Maybe these locations are less costly, but is LIFE worth the “savings”? Does the UK need more SKILLED staff at the HO .. or Border Control?

      • Brian – Very sadly I’ve leaned over the years that 80% of the population are STUPID, another 10% are INSANE, leaving only 5% … like you and me! We need to control the 95%
        if only the UK politicians had the b@%%$ to do their job.

  3. Still dangerous to go for an evening drink where drunken British yobs congregate… that seems to be true whether we are talking about English country towns or Magaluf! Of course terrorist threats are on a different scale entirely. Up to now it seems as though the Civil Guard in Spain, and the security forces in the UK, are up to the challenge.

  4. Where do you come from jacko, obviously not the UK.
    You should listen to Germans/Dutch/Italians/French etc. rave about the incredible coastline walking in Dorset/Cornwall/Devon, not to mention the surfing beaches in Devon, never heard of any surfing on the Med coast, you have to go to Galicia/Asturias/pais Vasco for that.

    Ever been to Scotland’s west coast, people visit and never go home. You can’t compare the crap commercial Spanish beer with so many different real ales available all over the UK.

    And just where are these ‘miles of sandy beaches’ not Almeria/Malaga, everywhere I’ve been builder’s type rubble was usual.

    Try the NW of Spain, the Med coast is now only for those who are blind, nothing like it used to be.

  5. Bryan, and why do you think this advice was given. Do you think it may have been about terrorism and why do you think Britain is on High alert, surely not for an influx of holiday makers. Britain although an island is part of Europe the same as Russia is part of Europe. It’s like saying that Manhattan being an island it’s not part of North America. Just a thought for you to ponder on.

  6. Stuart, it would appear that my reply to you didn’t get printed, don’t know why as it was just an education on Europe for you but perhaps if I cut it short it may get printed. The Isle of White is also an Island and part of Britain and Britain being an Isle is also a part of EUROPE the same as Russia being part of Europe.
    I suppose by your response regarding Europe you would argue that although Manhattan is an Isle it’s not part of North America.
    I’m surprised with all these wonderful places you had mentioned you choose to live in France of all places.

  7. Stuart, I think you will find that countries with blue flag beaches, which by the way, is recognized world wide are:-
    France, 379. Italy, 280. Germany, 42. England, 61 and Spain, 578.
    Is that any help in answering your deluded mind regarding beaches etc.
    You also asked, i’e:- “And just where are these ‘miles of sandy beaches’”. Well Spain has 5000 km of beaches. Would it not be better if you checked facts before fingers hitting tabs. Just trying to be helpful, no malice intended and not like your response.
    Oh’, and as to your question, i’e:- “Where do you come from jacko, obviously not the UK.”
    Well Stuart I’m British, born and bred, and proud to have served in the BAF, (British Armed Forces), just in case your not familiar with those abbreviations. Had you. Hope that answer’s your question.

  8. we are forgetting one thing..!!!!..by bowing down to these moronic fools that wish death on anyone and everyone is letting them succeed in what they are trying to achieve, which is striking fear into the hearts of normal decent folk…terrorism or the threat of it is something we grew up with in the UK as a kid and we are still here today talking about it !!…do of course be vigilant but don’t let these MORONIC threats limit you in any way shape or form…………statically you have more chance of being run over by a bus…!!!….life is for living and not for avoiding places or things we wish to do…if we bow down to them they have won..KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON..!!

  9. I am sure that any family-man would be very anxious to read that his forthcoming holiday was in a high-danger zone. Who would want to risk such a thing? The British press will have done a huge disservice to Spain with this fear-mongering.

  10. Spain has a high number of blue flag beaches because they are responsible for awarding them. Ha ha. There is one blue flag beach in Marbella that has untreated sewage running from a broken pipe.

    As for the terrorism, I don’t know what the FCO criteria used. They have access to a lot more info than a couple of expats. I would certainly feel safer in Spain than Tunisia or Turkey.

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