28 Jun, 2015 @ 13:00
1 min read

Marbella hospital leads the way with water births

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hospitalceramnewSINCE its launch in December last year, Hospital Ceram in Marbella has been offering an alternative way for women to deliver their newborn – in water.   

Water births have played a new role in Spain’s private medicine health sector and are considered to be just as safe as non-births births, with some studies suggesting that they even speed up labour.

They supposedly offer less stress for a newborn, as they are born from water into water.

Antonio, a nursing and midwifery coordinator at the hospital, said: “Being immersed in a water bath helps the mother and baby to feel more relaxed as they conserve their energy better.”

“We’re very popular among the international community,’ Antonio continued. “We’ve actually had more non-Spanish clients here than Spanish.”

To find out more about the centre, contact gestion@hospitalceram.com

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