THE Mayor of Marbella is determined to eradicate all signs of Franco and corruption from the town.
José Bernal, a trained historian, is seeking to revise all street names and identify those of ‘dictators or people who have acted against the citizens in any moral, ethical or physical ambit’ that are on show in the town.
He has appealed for help from Malaga University to investigate on what needs to be done.
The mayor has already cited one example, ‘Calle Miguel Cano’, which is named after an aviator who deliberately bombed towns and cities across Spain.
However, Bernal has confirmed that he will respect previous mayors of the town who served under the Franco regime, specifically if they made a positive contribution.
A window in the town hall depicting Franco will also be removed, although it will be conserved as artistic patronage in honour of its Valencian sculptor, Vicente de Espona, who once lived in the town.
He can scrub Franco from the sight of people, but not from some of their grubby, reactionary minds. Unfortunately.
Changing the town name might be a good start.
the best start would be is to remove the government and then the regional and local governments and introducing a law making it illegal to support any political parties that has a likeness of the late franco policies and that way spain might be able to their horrible dictatorial past
If they are going to remove things associated with corruption,then marbella is gonna end up as one big field!!!