3 Jun, 2015 @ 17:20
1 min read

Spaniards reveal their top ten mini-break destinations

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madridTHEY say home is where the heart is.

And this is true for Spaniards, who picked Spanish cities for six out of their ten dream weekend breaks.

The top ten ideal mini-break destinations included Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, San Sebastian, Sevilla and Palma de Mallorca.

Iconic international cities of Paris, London, Rome and Venice featured in second, fourth, fifth and sixth place respectively.

But Madrid was the clear winner with the vote of 14,2% of the 6,000 Spaniards.

Unsurprisingly many women favoured Paris, with 16% voting for the city of Love.

Iona Napier

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  1. Surprised that Madrid beat London as a travel destination, although I suppose the cost of accommodation, travel and eating out can be a bit much in the UK capital. Normally Spanish people (especially youngsters) rave about London.

  2. Funny that. According to today’s Daily Mail London is the top City in the world for visitors. Madrid doesn’t come in the top ten. Even our Boris commented.

  3. Generally the Spanish aren’t very well travelled. Unless you count those going to work in the UK and Germany. Most people in Andalucia have never been to Madrid and I would imagine it is the same in many other provinces.

  4. The Spanish unsurprisingly picked 6 Spanish destinations Lol Anything to do with short distances for their mini-breaks, and costs involved?

    I would probably pick a Spanish destination from our Spanish property, and a UK or French/Belgium/Dutch/Irish etc destination from my UK property

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