25 May, 2015 @ 12:08
1 min read

EU nationals living in UK not allowed referendum vote

David cameron e
MOVED: Cameron acts on refugees
David Cameron
David Cameron

EUROPEAN nationals living in the UK will be barred from voting in an European referendum. 

Prime Minister David Cameron has set out the rules for the referendum and EU nationals resident in the UK will not be able to vote despite being eligible to vote in European elections.

Expats who have lived outside the UK for less than 15 years will be able to vote, in line with general election guidelines.

All voters must be over 18 and British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens are eligible.

An EU Referendum Bill will be the centrepiece of the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday, after Labour withdrew its opposition to the project.

Meanwhile, Cameron is embarking on a tour of European capitals to secure EU reforms are put in place before the referendum is held.

The next EU summit is to be held at the end of June.

Rob Horgan

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1 Comment

  1. Seen this stupidity in all the media. Do turkeys vote for Christmas – only if they have a death wish. The Bullingdon boy allows the Irish and Commonwealth citizens to vote!

    Would UK citizens be allowed to vote on such an issue in any EU country or Ireland or any Commonwealth country – of course not.

    CBI is using the same successful tactics it used to frighten the Scots in their referendum vote. I’m appalled at how many cowards there were among the Scots, especially the women.

    I’ve been discussing this important issue with my friends in Germany/Netherlands/Italy and Spain – all of the same mind – the EU was set up to facilitate business and nothing else. The infamous HRA was drafted without any reference to workers rights – what a surprise.

    Time to dismantle this crock of stront and start again, placing the interests of the ordinary European ahead of all else, that and the environment. At the same time stop all the pensions and benefits, dismantle the CAP, scrap NATO which only exists to benefit the USA – what a different Europe there would be.

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