THE Malaga branch of the PP has filed a denuncia against a Twitter user who labelled Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy as ‘corrupt’.
The message, tweeted on March 28, also called questioned Malaga Mayor Francisco de la Torre’s honest intentions.
The user, @antictona, only has 762 followers and his account is set to private.
Alongside a photograph of Rajoy, de la Torre with a number of French diplomats, @antictona tweeted: ‘The corrupt Prime Minister alongside the corrupt mayor. Big picture’.
The Technical Crime branch of the Guardia Civil will now investigate the case.
Oh dear, fancy saying Rajoy is corrupt, making the Technical Crime branch of the Guardia Civil do all that work trying to find the chappie who said it and sending him to jail no doubt!
How can Rajoy be corrupt, he runs Spain after all?
Always thought the truth could not be libel ?
To paraphraqse a great man “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they try to close your twitter account, then they fight you, then you win.”