IT must be election time.
There are workmen on every corner and the road crews are finally filling those potholes.
Meanwhile the likes of Susana Diaz have infiltrated our everyday lives, beaming down from lofty lamppost perches every time you walk down the street.
The PP is promising this and that, including a motorway from Ronda to Antequera, the exact same promise it made the last election time… oh, and the one before that.
Rarely have last-ditch attempts to please voters been so transparent.
But take away the cheesy propaganda and far fetched promises and it is clear how crucial these elections are.
Crucial in terms of breathing new life back into the Junta, cleaning away the corruption and building towards a brighter future.
Yes, after 33 years of the same party it is time to move on.
Andalucians, you have the opportunity of change in your hands.