THE Spanish senate has approved controversial plans to change the country’s security laws.
Nicknamed the ‘gag law’ by activists and human rights groups, the change in legislation will crackdown on protests as well as the most vulnerable members of society, including sex workers, drug takers and the homeless.
The law is expected to be ratified at the end of this month. Once it is fines of up to €30,000 will be imposed on anyone deemed to be ‘degrading public property’ or causing ‘serious disturbances of public safety’.
Human Right Watch have slammed the proposed Bill for ‘unjustifiably punishing vulnerable groups’ and ‘stifling freedom of speech’.
“The legislation undermines fundamental right in myriad ways,” said Judith Sunderland, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, prior to the Senate’s decision.
She also made a plea for the Senate to ‘ensure that the government doesn’t erode basic rights and freedoms in Spain’, but it would appear to have fallen on deaf ears.
Spain already stopped a rock group playing a concert using similar laws. Such a progressive country lol.
How do you spell Insanity S P A I N
Will I get a fine for saying
Tenemos un gobierno corrupto, irresponsable e incompetente.
Franco is back from the dead.
spain13: “Franco is back from the dead.”
Or, let us hope, this is just the final death spasm of the PP, and the heritage of Spanish corrupt politics as usual.
Wow, is this the Gag Law in action, or the OP’s cockermamie new format? I just posted a derogatory note, and saw it vanish before my eyes!