9 Feb, 2015 @ 15:49
1 min read

British man arrested for murder of alleged German paedophile in Sotogrande



A BRITISH man has been arrested in Sotogrande for the murder of a suspected German paedophile, who was filming his daughter.

Kainth Devinder, 40, caught Sandro Rottman, 43, filming images of his daughter while out for a family meal at Spinnaker restaurant on Saturday night.

Despite Devinder demanding that he stop filming, Rottman continued.

The British man then seized his tablet and threw it to the floor, before attacking Rottman.

He allegedly punched Rottman in the head, before leaving the restaurant.

The Guardia Civil were called to the scene by the urbanisation security, and arrived to find medics attending to the victim.

Rottman was immediately transferred to the La Linea hospital, where he died from his injuries.

Devinder was arrested at his home, following statements made by witnesses at the restaurant.

According to the Guardia Civil, Rottman ‘had been arrested just a few days before for the possession of child porn’.

Rottman appears to be very wealthy, posting photos to Twitter of classy hotels and meals out in Monaco, London and Beverly Hills, California.

One particular photo is of Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg, with the caption: “Just having chips and ketchup with Mark Wahlberg.”


Imogen Calderwood

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    • This British man went too far. The German was in a public setting, a restaurant with other adults around. It is not illegal to use a camera in a public setting. The British yob deserves to go away for a long time.

      • I am a respectable, balanced, calm professional. If someone had been recording my young child and repeatedly refused to stop I would have physically made him. By the way, I am British and am intensely proud of the fact that part of being British means standing up for what is right and proper.

        Sometimes talking politely isn’t sufficient. Does this make me a yob?

          • As if the guy who is filming one’s daughter and has been told to stop is doing a right thing to begin with. He’s also facing the consequences by being a pedophile, not to mention child pornography has been found in his tablet. Killing isn’t the solution but it probably wasn’t the boxer’s intention too, also I would say he gave him fair warning by telling him to stop filming, too bad he didn’t listen.

  1. Any information as to how this youngish guy who moved out to Spain last year to be an a Estate agent makes a living?? 2 kids in private school at 10,000 each, 1 at nursery. He spends all the time at the gym. I didn’t think it was so lucrative for property agents right now?

  2. Fancy cars, a surgically inhanced girlfriend,2 kids in priviate school,matching Range Rovers and all the rest of the bling with being Nuevo Chav´s. I hope that punch was worth everything this numb skull has given up because in Spain you kill someone and your in for life. If the guy was a Pedo then he deserves to be dead but as it appears this “Bonehead” was looking to show off his gym skills. Sorry all that time in the gym does nothing to work that muscle in between his ears in the event one exsists in that space–I´m thinking not.

  3. For all the absurd comments claiming that the German paedophile might have been ‘innocently’ filming in the restaurant, let’s not forget that the Guardia Civil have confirmed he had been arrested for possession of child abuse imagery only a few days previously. That said imagery was still on his iPad days later while he continued to film a man’s little daughter after being told to stop, tells you just how unable to control his vile impulses he was. We don’t have a cure for this mental illness, it is no less threatening to society than a violent psychopath and appears not to let up even in old age. I shall not be mourning his death. The father reacted to a situation which was worse than he even realised at the time of initially telling him to stop filming. Once he found the child abuse imagery on the device, well, at least it tidies up what would have been an ongoing problem for decades to come with this man going through endless revolving-door judicial processes that would repeatedly see him return to decent society as an ongoing thread.

  4. @bill. Are you saying that the Police questioned him about child images but didn’t confiscate his iPad? Bit unlikely don’t you think!
    I too won’t lose any sleep about the dead man but at the same time I don’t go for vigilante justice.

    • By ‘said imagery’ I mean child abuse images, not that they were the same ones he had been arrested for in the days preceding his death. I, too, do not condone vigilantism but in this case I do not believe the father intended to actually murder the man and there can be no doubt about what this German man was. Plus the fact he would have continued to remain a threat to decent society for many years to come given his brazen disregard for having already been arrested and had been told in no uncertain terms to stop filming the man’s daughter. Permanent removal from society, the only solution until another solution can be found.

      • How do you know that he had been filming in the moments before? how do you know that the British told the German to stop filming and he did not complay?

        As far as I see this is the story of the murderer and he has good reasons to spin the whole thing around. I would be very cautious in regard to conclusions. And by the way: a bit reckless to brand the victim a paedophile without having real knowledge.

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