AS Olive Press readers enter the dark days of dieting, here we present the top food crimes and how to beat them…
1. Not planning your meals
Trying to put together a healthy meal when you’re hungry is bound to fail. You’ll grab something quick and it will inevitably be pizza. Instead, plan your meals a few days ahead and stock up on healthy ingredients each weekend.
2. Eating healthily during the week but gorging at the weekends
A treat every now and then is fine, but binging for two days in every seven won’t do you any favours. Try and stay consistent, but if you really need a little something sweet, go for small portions, or non-food-related treats.
3. A glass of wine before bed
One standard glass (175ml) of red or white wine contains up to 160 calories, which can add up if you drink every night. Instead, make your nightcap a low-calorie drink like tea.
4. Not drinking enough water
Your body needs water to stay hydrated. Make sure you drink water every time you eat and when you work out. Keeping a bottle on your desk will make drinking the recommended two litres a day easier.
5. Skipping meals when you know you’re going to indulge
Holding back before a night of indulgence will lead to you overeating when the time comes. Keep to a regular meal schedule and exercise the next day to help get rid of the extra calories.
6. Eating lunch at your desk
People who regularly eat meals at their desks are more likely to be obese, have lower levels of vitamins and high cholesterol. Instead, use your break as an opportunity to move, it’s a great time for a 20 minute walk, or even a jog.
7. Overeating on the days you work out
Large portions of rich food are an easy reward for exercising, but you’re just replacing the calories you’ve burned. Instead, eat nutrient-rich foods, proteins, high fibre foods and healthy fats, like nuts.
8. Adding salt to everything
Adults should not eat more than one teaspoon of salt a day – bear that in mind when cooking. Use healthier alternatives for flavour, like herbs or lemon juice.