4 Feb, 2015 @ 17:45
1 min read

Granada’s Alhambra considers visitor number cuts to protect palace

Granada's Alhambra is Spain's most visited tourist attraction

MASS tourism at the Alhambra Palace could be killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

Granada's Alhambra is Spain's most visited tourist attraction
Granada’s Alhambra is Spain’s most visited tourist attraction

Spain’s most visited tourist attraction is considering cutting down on visitors in a bid to slow down the building’s deterioration.

The Moorish monument in Granada welcomed record numbers last year, with more than 3.1 million visitors – an increase of 3.8% on 2013.

But UNESCO has advised the management board to urgently reduce numbers to help preserve the historic palace and neighbouring Generalife gardens.

The board will decide later this month whether to cut the number of people permitted on guided tours from 30 to 20.

While the move would ‘optimise’ visits, it could also damage agencies that organise guided tours of the palace.

Iona Napier

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  1. I am SLIGHTLY amused by the article title.

    It reminds me of the sadness I feel whenever I meet people who live down the road on the Costa who have never even visited Granada. Its a criminal shame – but true – that large batches of expats seem to have absolutely no idea or desire to visit this site, to the extent that the title needs to specify “Granada’s” Alhambra.

    Ho hum……..

  2. I wonder how many resident Costa expats visit the historical sites of Spain too, missing out on lots if not? However, as typical in Spain, they will no doubt reduce the numbers but double the admission price.

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