28 Jan, 2015 @ 08:30
1 min read

Two die in helicopter crash following police chase

guardia civil helicopter
FILE PIC: Guardia Civil helicopter
FILE PIC: Guardia Civil helicopter
FILE PIC: Guardia Civil helicopter

TWO occupants of a helicopter, believed to have been carrying drugs, died when it crashed into an electricity pylon in darkness near Cortes de la Frontera.

A Guardia Civil helicopter had been scrambled to follow the aircraft after an unauthorised flight had been detected in the early hours of Tuesday morning. However, the crew lost sight of the helicopter and it returned to base.

Yesterday morning the Guardia Civil returned to the last known position of the helicopter, near El Colmenar, and found the wreckage of the crashed aircraft. It is believed that it had collided with nearby electric pylon.

According to sources around 30 packages of hashish were found – weighing almost 1,000 kilos.

Police also recovered the bodies of the occupants of the downed helicopter.

Karl Smallman

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  1. But presumably pedlars of alcohol are acceptable? They don’t sell life-destroying substances do they? Follow the example of some American states (doing something right for a change) and legalise the damn stuff. Save millions on law-enforcement, tax it, make millions for the state, remove a big earner for criminals and terrorists and stop being so two-faced about a substance that has a completely zero history of death by overdose.

  2. I would have no sympathy if a truck full of knocked off or worse, counterfeit alcohol,plunged off a cliff.
    I understand the argument you put forward but have seen many friends lives ruined by drugs. The usual ‘its only a joint, not serious drugs’ get trotted out but the culture can lead to the harder stuff.

  3. And that is the oldest and most discredited argument against cannabis, that “it leads to the hard stuff”
    Nonsense. While it is illegal it will be flogged willy nilly along with the real crap by the same criminals, thus keeping it in the same bracket as truly addictive and damaging substances and tarred by the same brush.
    It is different, follow the science, not ignorant prejudice.

  4. The people I know personally , friends that I have worked with for many years who now do cocaine ,all without question smoked cannabis before they got into it.
    I don’t personally know any users of heroin but would be mighty surprised if they hadn’t tried some ‘softer’ drugs before thinking, “I know – let’s have a go with heroin”

  5. They also consumed mothers’ milk. Tea. Coffee. Alcohol. Tobacco. Modern civilisation.
    Experienced, Love. Pain. Happiness. Misery. So what’s your point Bryan?
    Steve: That’s the point exactly. Your friends were exposed to harmful crap because that is what criminals do, sell whatever makes money. Take cannabis out of their hands. Make lawfully enforceable regulations of use, like tobacco and alcohol. Sell it in regulated outlets and make and save millions for the State. It’s a no-brainer. Ordinary folk wanting an alternative experience to alcohol, can indulge themselves without being exposed to something more serious.

  6. Personally, I wouldn’t touch cannabis with a barge pole but Stefanjo has a point. I do know that various governments are looking into the idea of legalising cannabis because they take the view that people will never stop smoking it so they might as well regulate it and tax it. The big question is, does smoking cannabis lead to harder drugs like crack? I honestly don’t know the answer to that but anything that puts the low life, skunk growing, criminal drug gangs out of business would be a positive step. Obviously they would still be peddling the hard drugs which is a serious problem.

    In the UK, the tax revenue from tobacco and alcohol is so huge that if everyone gave up smoking/drinking tomorrow, the government would be thrown into crisis and have to raise income tax. It would be interesting to know how much tax revenue cannabis would raise – rather a lot I suspect.

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