11 Jan, 2015 @ 08:00
1 min read

Malaga is second top city in the world to visit in 2015


MALAGA has been hailed as the second top city to visit in the world in 2015 by Rough Guides.

The beautiful Andalucian port is in the midst of a booming cultural revival, and the renowned travel guide has picked it out as one of the world’s hottest travel destinations for the coming year.

The annual top 10 rankings are headed by Johannesburg in South Africa, with New Orleans in third place  and, perhaps more surprisingly, Birmingham in England makes the list in ninth place.

With the Picasso Museum, the soon-to-be-opening Cube in the harbour and a burgeoning art scene, Malaga is beginning to really put its name on the global map.

“Founded by the Phoenicians, the ancient city of Malaga has far more to offer than the usual Spanish cocktail of sun, sea and sangria – though all of those things are still in plentiful supply,” states the Rough Guide.

“Projects signaling Malaga’s cultural revival include a new museum of Russian art, set to light up a former tobacco factory, and the continued development of a mural-daubed Soho, which attracts trailblazing artists.”

Tourism in Malaga has increased by a reported 8% this year. In April the city was named one of Spain’s top ten travel destinations by TripAdvisor.

Top 10 for 2015

  • 1. Johannesburg (South Africa)
  • 2. Malaga (Spain)
  • 3. New Orleans (USA)
  • 4. Hamburg (Germany)
  • 5. Nizwa (Oman)
  • 6. Wellington (New Zealand)
  • 7. Belgrade (Serbia)
  • 8. Salta (Argentina)
  • 9. Birmingham (UK)
  • 10. Yangon (Myanmar)

Tom Powell

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  1. I like Málaga for a visit but no way is it in the top ten places. Lots more fantastic cIties in the world. don’t know what those writers on the Rough Guide are on. Sheer tosh! Johannesburg No.1. Birmingham No. 9 They are having a laugh, and so am I.

  2. @Bryan Well by your comments you have obviously been to Johannesburg, Birmingham and Malaga in the last 12 months to make these informed judgements. As an update can you tell readers the best one’s to visit.

  3. Well it’s not a contest between three is it. I would rate Malaga as the best of these three. (I do know all of them) Doesn’t mean much does it. There are lots of better places in the world as most people are aware. I repeat sheer tosh.

  4. When this table was drawn up, did safety issues come into it, because whilst I’ve not been to Joburg personally I know plenty who have who say how dangerous the City is and a reason why so many who migrated there years ago from other countries are leaving? Bryan is right, to class Birmingham in 9th is having a laugh, I do know the city. Malaga, I know very well, like it quite a lot but number 2? Come on!

  5. I have visited the Rough Guide website to see the list and the descriptions, there is a comment about Johannesburg but when you go to a place you accept the risks. The list is not the best cities in the World it is more of a list of places now well worth a visit, a bit like music where the top ten records last year are different than this year. Although not on the list I personally know the massive changes in Manchester. when I worked there it was very drab and industrial, now it would take you 3 days plus to get around the museums gallery’s and other interesting venues. So I think Rough Guide seem to be on the right track here not just rehashing the old favourites that people already know about.

  6. @ Jon, yes I know Birmingham as have friends there and has had a lot of transformation as there is in cities/towns across the UK, but number 9 in that list? Still laughing at that!

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