10 Jan, 2015 @ 15:00
1 min read

Stat attack: 2014 web stats make good reading for the Olive Press

olivepress screengrab

LAST year’s statistics show, theolivepress.es had the online wow  factor in 2014, as THE key local news website for expats – as our social media platforms also gained massive momentum.

The numbers:

Total stories on website – 10,673

Total story comments – 36,225

Web users – 958,377 up 37.72%

Page views – 4,772,886 up 125.87%

Pages per session – up 69.45%

Bounce rate – down 78.97%

Top commented on stories:

1) Brit expats in Spain lose all BBC channels with ITV and C4 to follow

2) Ryanair flight attendant sacked for eating a sandwich

3) Trouble in the skies over Gibraltar

Most viewed stories:

1) Brit expats in Spain lose all BBC, ITV and C4 channels – 95,388 views

2) Man injured by 396 gallons of water dropped from plane in ice bucket challenge stunt – 66,640 views

3) Plaza Margaret Thatcher, Madrid, vandalised less than 24 hours after inauguration – 44,197 views

4) Magaluf police investigate ‘mamading’ oral sex contest for free drinks – 33,506 views

5) Ex-soldier claims he saw Madeleine McCann by Nerja swimming pool – 31,412 views

Visitors from around the globe (compared to 2013):

UK +48.7%

Spain +30.06%

USA +23.31%

Ireland +17.9%

Gibraltar +3.34%

Germany +99.78%

Netherlands +64.07%

France +55.3%

Rob Horgan

DO YOU HAVE NEWS FOR US at Spain’s most popular English newspaper - the Olive Press? Contact us now via email: newsdesk@theolivepress.es or call 951 273 575. To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618.


  1. Definitely the best expat paper in Spain, the most unbiased, the only one without smutty adverts, the one which reports facts. I always pick up copies when I’m in Spain and read it on line when in the UK.

    Congratulations OP!

  2. It’s a great paper. And would a better read if there weren’t comments all the time from the usual people simply trying to grind Spain down into the ground (on this site).

  3. @Derek :) I am not sure of the new layout yet, got to get used to it. I see there are now buttons for every social media on the planet, non of which I use. Would be innovative if you could register with olive press and when the webpage see’s who it is it omits the array of buttons and likes etc if you have said that your preference is not to see them. As for the stats they might have been slewed by me coming on so often to see what the self professed intelligent people that moved to Spain are saying about how bad the place is they moved to (and how cold).

    • Since you ask Jon, that new masthead is a bit of a lump, gets in the way when using my tablet keyboard.
      Good luck with it all though, a fine job done by all. Keep sticking it to ’em!

  4. Best of luck with the site revamp! @Derek – When allowed to operate anonymously you will always get the trolls. Maybe if the OlivePress forced commenters to log in using their Facebook or other SocialId identities, the trolls would go away.

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