My goodness it’s 2015 already, where has the past year gone?
I love the start of a new year, the winter sales begin – great for an obsessive fashion addict and shopper like myself, and as clichéd as it sounds a new year means a fresh start.
I’m all for new begins at new year, but what I dislike are the new year’s resolutions. I know that it’s a tradition for most people to make promises, but I’m someone who has never kept a new year’s resolution. They always seem like a chore to me and not a promise.
It’s not because I haven’t got the willpower to keep them, I could if I really wanted to. I prefer not to wait for a new year to begin for me to make better changes. I like to try and do it whenever.
So this year there are no resolutions like ‘take up running’. Instead I’m going to do more of what I love doing and try to be a little more positive.
I wish I could say that the beginning of my new year was positive. It wasn’t, it was quite rubbish.
Like many young people I went out with friends and welcomed 2015, although without the BANG!
We were all meant to celebrate together by going out and having a good time. But that never happened. The venue we picked was booked up and we weren’t even together.
The early hours of the new year were spent having a drink in a dingy little bar with terrible music. What a way to start 2015!
How did you celebrate the new year? If you had a better start than to the one I did, then please let me know. Or what are your thoughts on new year resolutions?
Maybe I should make a resolution to reserve a table before it’s too late!