19 Dec, 2014 @ 13:24
1 min read

Ashya King takes first unassisted steps

BRAIN tumour patient Ashya King has taken his first unassisted steps on his road to recovery.

Ashya has also showed signs that his speech is returning following ongoing treatment at Marbella’s HC hospital.

The five-year-old hit the world’s headlines in August after parents Brett and Naghmeh King, fled to Spain with their son, after disagreeing with the treatment he was getting at Southampton General Hospital, UK.

Ashya was eventually taken to Prague where he underwent successful proton beam therapy before the family returned to their Costa del Sol apartment in Casares.

Rob Horgan

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  1. MrNoName I don’t believe we were totally scammed as I do believe Aysha had cancer. If he didn’t the hospital in UK would have said so. However, I do think it is time the family came out and told the truth. If rumours are true that they are resident in Spain, Aysha’s siblings went to school in Spain, why did Aysha not get treatment in Spain? Proton therapy is available here! Why did they go to UK for treatment? Were they cheating the system and not told anyone they were living in Spain therefore not entitled to treatment on the UK NHS. Why they say they fled UK and came to Spain to sell their apartment yet according to some of their neighbours say it has been on the market for some months before. There are too many things that just don’t add up and the public, many of whom donated cash, deserve to know the truth. But will we get it?

  2. I see a loving family doing everything possible to get their little boy well, making decisions based on what only they must have been going through and in their direct experience on what they hope will give their son the best outcome.

  3. This story really does bring out the trolls and they do not even talk about the cancer most of the time, only money! BTW, I have never said he does not have cash in the bank as I do not have access to his bank account, he may well have but many are a little deranged to go on about this day and night. I think many need to get a life.

  4. So anyone with a differing opinion is a troll, great debating!
    I see a greedy family taking advantage of public sympathy for their Son. Did they really need £200,000 when the UK paid for the treatment….course not. Knowing what they are going through they could have donated the money to other not so fortunate children in the same situation.

  5. The story is about the boys health not bank balances so can you share your opinion on his health and not bank balances, you are off subject. I see sympathy for the young boy, and you see money, I see someone who is ill, you see money, I see someone who had treatment, you see money, I see someone who is still very ill, you want to talk about money, I might start having sympathy with your symptoms soon, I think you need help. Many bitter and twisted out there in todays world. I hope he has a good Christmas and if they have the spare cash I hope he gets a fantastic present. Much easier to be pleasant at this time of year and I am not going to post on this thread again so troll away regarding bank balances, waste your breath if it makes you happier.

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