4 Dec, 2014 @ 13:57
1 min read

BREAKING: Podemos secretary suspended without pay from the University of Malaga

THE Political Secretary for Podemos has been provisionally suspended without pay from the University of Malaga (UMA) which has launched disciplinary proceedings against him.

Inigo Errejon is being investigated over compliance with his work contract with the university along which states that he was to work 40 hours per week at the Malaga campus with a monthly salary of €1,825.

The politician was allowed to continue working on the housing research project – partly funded by the Junta – he was undertaking by Alberto Montero, the project’s director and a fellow Podemos member.

However the UMA has also opened disciplinary proceedings against Montero although he has not been suspended without pay.

Errejon has 10 days to argue his case which hangs on a technicality as Montero argued in a hearing in November.

He confirmed giving verbal permission for Errejon to pursue his research in Madrid as it had a wealth of ‘literature sources and statistics’ and modern ‘telecommunication made his work feasible’ despite the distance.

Junta President Susana made assurances that Errejon would be subject to ‘the same yardstick’ as all other politicians regarding the use of public funds.

“If inconsistencies are found he will have to pay back the money like any other entity in a similar situation,” affirmed Diaz.

Jacqueline Fanchini (Reporter)

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  1. The dirty tricks campaign begins . Anything that will discredit Podemos before the elections . Just shows how nervous the current above the law politicians are becoming . They might see their lucrative brown envelope sweetners swept away !

  2. While I agree about the PP stopping at nothing in the dirty tricks department, this is yet another insidious and corrosive form of Spanish corruption that seldom makes the papers yet nonetheless needs light shed on it. Just check out the recent spate of articles regarding nepotism and favoritism at the University Rey Juan Carlos. I worked at the URJC for five years as a visiting professor and what I saw was shocking. Entire departments staffed with family members, falsification of advanced degrees, bullying, fraudulent voting … I could go on ad nauseum. Friends assure me it’s even worse at Complutense, Autonoma etc … While I’m by no means a fan of the PP, my principal reservation regarding the Podemos movement is that its leadership is largely made up of university professors. Anyone paying attention even badly to what’s going on Spain knows that Spanish universities are just one more deeply corrupt mafia.

  3. Standard right-wing tactics. Short of an answer to justified challenges, then use smears. Podemos better get used to these tactics, there’ll be plenty of them.

  4. Stefanjo,
    sorry to burst your balloon but everything Spain13 says is the truth. You don’t get a job because of your abilities or qualifications, it’s always down to the enchufargo system.

    We had a friend Beatrice who had worked in top London hospitals as a theatre Sister. When she returned to Andalucia she found it impossible to get any kind of nursing work that reflected her undoubted and proven abilities. Indeed it was nearly a year before you found work in Almeria that a nursing assistant could have done.

    There undoubtedly will be dirty tricks used against Podemos but Spain13 is not one of those.

    Also having been in hospital here in France just last week I encountered a young Spanish nurse who had to leave her own coountry to find work. I asked her opinion of Podemos – she did’nt trust them – food for thought.

  5. Agree 100% with Stuart and Spain13. Corruption in Spain is pervasive. No doubt the order came from the political masters in Madrid and UMA authorities acted on this. Perhaps Errejon is one of those few straight academics who is trying to do somethin? How can one be sure?

    BTW, It’s “enchufado” Stuart, not enchufargo. Participle for “enchufar” – to plug in..

  6. I encourage anyone who is interested to check out recent article in Elconfidencial. The articles have touched on the “enchufe” system of patronage at the URJC where professorships are handed out as favors to children of high ranking PP members like m & m’s. Of course this story could be repeated at any Spanish university. As publishing my story – yes John I’m still interested. I contacted you last year and even put together a piece – maybe now is the time?

  7. What balloon Stuart? My comment regards political tactics, not an endorsement of Podemos. Nobody knows their true intentions yet, or what they will do if elected. National opinion polls presently favour them above all the other parties and that only shows how desperate people are for change. A bloke with a cardboard box on his head would probably garner more votes than those running the show right now.
    As Spain13 asserts, academia is as mired in corruption, nepotism etc. as the money-grubbers in charge. But maybe, just maybe, there are some sincere, honest folk in Podemos who desire and will implement, genuine reform.
    There’s only one way to find out… More of the same is not an option.

  8. I don’t think Podemos will take Spain where it needs to go. They are too left wing and not business or free enterprise friendly – they need to hit the centre ground if they are to succeed. They will never be able to raise enough money to carry their policies through anyway.

  9. Podemus is a communistik party. The guy in malaga cashed in close to 2000 eu per month on a research project but seemed to use his time on Podemus. No wonder he is getting sacked.
    If they take over I say bye bye Spain and my tax money will be paid to Portugal. I agree that the bribe and corruption system in Spain is more then bad but do not see a communist solution as a cure.

  10. Wasn’t it stagnating on the “centre ground” that got us in trouble in the first place? Even now, all EU Countries cling grimly to the “necessity of austerity” lie/delusion.
    The sacred centre ground is inhabited by true conservatives who dislike the boat to be rocked, lest they lose their own footing.

  11. Poor Spain if they have to keep an idiot like you within their borders but I do not belive that you live here. I think that you just are some rubbish who like to contaminate this chat.
    I suggest that you move to an North Korean chat instead that would definitely fit you perfect. Ahh you cant communicate with them and they do not have excellent papers as Olive press. Yes sorry I forget that they practise communism.

  12. KB,
    are’nt the CIA lovely people and I’ll bet you know all the words to = It’s Springtime for Hitler, you do know you have to carry your NS party card at all times.

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