28 Nov, 2014 @ 10:30
1 min read

Velez-Malaga trams return from Australia

By Joe Chivers,

THE troubled Velez-Malaga tram operation could be back in service as soon as next year.

The 5km coastal line was closed in June 2012 and the trams leased to the Australian city of Sydney.

The lease was originally for two years, but they spent just 17 months away from Spain before being returned recently.

Now the Mayor of Velez-Malaga, Francisco Delgado Bonilla, hopes to have the service back up and running in 2015.

The Spanish Court of Auditors, the country’s supreme accounting body, has requested backdated information from Velez-Malaga Town Hall to aid an audit of the operation. Bonilla said other tramways are undergoing a similar audit, including those in Zaragoza and Jaen.

The Malaga-Velez service ran between 2006 and 2012, until high running costs and underwhelming passenger figures forced its closure.

The mayor hopes to secure an agreement from Madrid to help finance restoration of the service.

“The local government does want the tram, but we cannot take on its use with municipal funds,” he said.

Tom Powell

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  1. The bus service which replaced the trams is horribly shambolic. The tram service at least kept to a timetable (trouble is, I was often the only person on it). It seems a shame that nothing is using all that fantastic infrastructure. It might have helped if they had run the trams to the bus terminus in Velez. The track and overhead was in place but for some reason it stopped about half a mile short. In a few years time, when the oil wells run dry, lots of places will be wishing they had trams. Please bring the trams back!

  2. Running trams is like running anything else: they need to be run by people who know what they’re doing. They run trams in many places quite profitably (e.g. Switzerland) & I see no reason they can’t be run profitably here in Spain. Far less polluting than other forms of transport & lots of people can be transported economically BUT they do need to be run by those people who know what they’re doing!!

  3. As for “Fred’s comment as only is Spain” this is not true. Come and live on Anglesey, UK where the councillors really do not have a clue. They build a huge open air passenger bridge from Holyhead town to the Port. Anyone who lives here knows it rains a lot and is windy on most days. The bridge would work in Malaga but not here. As for your tramway I really hope it comes back into use and makes the people of Velez Malaga and the surrounding area’s proud of it.

  4. John, would the councillors of Anglesey spend millions on a tram line and all the infrastructure for it, then stop the service and let all those facilities rot away over a few years, then ship the trams to a foreign country for seemingly no reason whatsoever, only then to bring them back again a couple of years later? Hmm.

  5. Our rubbish tips are full of Umbrellas due to Anglesey winds. I will be glad when someone comes and buys my property and sets me free to move to Spain.

  6. Not at all, lots of people felt like you when originally wanting to move to Spain. If you are retiring here, my advice to you is 1) to not become resident and 2) not purchase any property. Enjoy Spain but keep out of their mad system at all costs.

  7. John Lightfoot, Fred is giving you some good advice! My advice would be to rent first and give yourself plenty of time to decide if you definitely want to live in Spain. Renting is the better option in Spain now because it can take years to sell your property if you want to move.

    If you do decide to go ahead and buy, take your time to choose the right type of property in the right area. Your best bet is to split your time between the two countries and remain resident in the UK. Many people sell their UK home and opt for a small, “lock up and leave”, low maintenance property in both countries – that way, you get the best of both worlds and have the convenience of a “home from home” set up.

    It would be worth considering Portugal as well.

    Good luck!

  8. I have 2 properties in UK for sale and keeping a third as a backup. I was as you suggest going to rent until I find a nice place and that I do like it. I really detest the weather in the UK, I feel the cold so much. I love Nerja and getting somewhere there would be my first choice. I currently live in the countryside and now want to live somewhere where I can walk to all the amenities rather than having to jump in the car everytime.

  9. @John, Nerja is a pleasant location. Just be aware that is a vastly different place in summer and winter. If you are going to live in Spain full time then you need to be aware of tax laws, residency rules, and healthcare. Best understand and get advice on all of those before commiting to residency.

  10. Good advice from Jane and Fred. Try your best to stay off the radar in Spain. Overwinter here, stay fewer than 183 days in total, rent, if you really must buy then be prepared to write your investment off (and some). The best way to enjoy Spain is as a visitor, being a resident here just triggers a whole number of headaches (unless money is no object, of course). Oh, and living in the countryside in Spain is not the same as the UK. Definitely try before you buy on that one…

  11. JL – like they have said above don’t buy. Long term rental once you’ve found where you want to be is good value. You will never make any money capital-wise here as the taxes to buy and sell total 20%.
    If say you were thinking of a villa costing 400,000 inc taxes legals etc then put it in Gibraltar 5 year bonds at 5% instead. Get yourself 20,000 a year in income and rent a similar property for £1,250 a month and make a profit on the deal :-)

  12. Well you lot seem very disenchanted with Spain or have you been in Spain that long that you have forgotten how bad the UK was/is and getting worse. I have made a note of what you have said and thank you for the guidance. I must send my apologies to “Olive Press” for going totally off topic. I hope the tramway does make a successful come back.
    May I also wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year.


  13. @JL, when you’ve lived here a decade come back and post. You don’t speak from experience. You may think the climate is the reason to move to Spain, but you will quickly find that it actually isn’t. Merry Christmas and good luck whatever you decide.

  14. This board is not Facebook or any one of those time wasting chat rooms. Please comment only on the subject & not drift off onto personal interests & views on a totally different subject.

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