27 Nov, 2014 @ 14:57
1 min read

Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy insists ‘Spain is not corrupt’ following resignation of health minister

PRIME Minister Mariano Rajoy has insisted that Spain is not corrupt in a speech following the resignation of Health Minister Ana Mato.

Rajoy appealed to Spaniards not to see all politicians as corrupt, and insisted that he is serious about tackling the problem before next year’s elections by introducing two anti-corruption laws.

“I can understand the irritation and distrust of our citizens but suspicion should not be leveled at everyone,” he told parliament.

“Most politicians are decent people. Spain is not corrupt.”

Mato resigned on Wednesday after an investigating judge accused her of benefiting from a kickback scheme.

Mato denied her involvement in her resignation statement, saying she had not been charged with any crime.

One of Rajoy’s draft laws covers the financing of political parties and the other aims to improve transparency and prevention of conflict of interests in government roles.

Imogen Calderwood

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  1. Insist all you like Rajoy and your PP cronies, take a visit to the Southern Costas and regulate agents/developers properly, then nip into the town halls including Alhaurin and ask why their mayor is back, then do a check of lawyers/notaries etc and see if brown envelopes are still used. Don’t forget you and your buddies’ investigation that appears to have been forgotten.

    He says ‘most politicians (what about him?) are decent people. Spain is not corrupt’ he’s having a laugh! Rajoy naughty boy!!!

  2. This man has some face. He is at the top of the corruption mountain that is called Spain. I can’t believe he has actually gone public to announce that Spain ‘is not a corrupt country’. He and his ilk really are a bunch of patronising scumbags.

  3. Reminds me of a Richard Nixon moment :- You must pursue this investigation of Watergate even if it leads to the president. I’m innocent. You’ve got to believe I’m innocent. If you don’t, take my job.

  4. I can see longer queues at Gibraltar on the horizon, anything to divert attention, even military aircraft interfering with landings, multiple incursions by Spanish ships into Gibraltarian waters, etc.

  5. I doubt many people with more than two brain cells will have much faith in the content of his speech. He may well be keen on “tackling the problem before next year’s elections”, but what has he done in his three years up to now?….Spent his time in denial and exploiting any number of diversionary tactics. But as it’s hard to imagine Sr Sanchez’s PSOE being any more tenacious the only conclusión to arrive at is that, contrary to Sr Rajoy’s declaration, Spain IS inherantly corrupt

  6. Corruption is probably the number one reason that ordinary Spanish working folk depend on ‘black money’. Why pay taxes to local and national governments when they are thieving millions for themselves, family and friends?
    Spain is oppressed by a thick layer of crooked practices that is expressed for all the world to see when the homes of ordinary people are demolished. That is the ‘running sore’ of corruption while the massive mansions built for these crooks with ‘misappropriated’ public money go untouched.

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