14 Nov, 2014 @ 08:00
1 min read

Sheep paraded through Madrid in defence of ancient herding rights

TOUR guides in Madrid were faced by a new flock of tourists to show around the capital this month.  

Over 2,000 sheep were led through Madrid’s streets by shepherds from across Spain to highlight the threat of modern agriculture and urban expansion to traditional herding.

Musicians and dancers dressed in traditional regional outfits joined the shepherds who marched in defence of ancient grazing, herding and migration rights.

The protest was fueled by a 700-year-old law that allows farmers to move their livestock through areas that were open pastures and woodland before modern day cities popped up across Spain.

The sheep were paraded through the city’s most emblematic locations with a stop at city hall where the chief herdsman paid authorities for the crossing with 25 maravedies, copper coins first minted in the 11th century.

Jacqueline Fanchini (Reporter)

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