10 Nov, 2014 @ 14:49
1 min read

A quarter of young Andalucians think a woman belongs in the home

A WOMAN’S place is in the home, according to 24% of young Andalucians.

The report – released by the Ministry of Education – concludes that young people in Andalucia see reality through a ‘sexist lens’.

A further 10% of the under-18s asked during the survey, believe that the man should make the important decisions within the family.

The report argues that the ‘myths of romantic love’ are to blame, as advocated by Hollywood films and pop songs.

Released for the annual Conference for the Study of Violence Against Women – held in Sevilla on November 10 and 11 – the report seeks to analyse the increasing rate of domestic violence among teenagers.

Imogen Calderwood

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  1. Very sad but unfortunately true In fact I would say the % was higher. It’s just not the men to blame as many women here follow that stereotype through their own choice and believes, all very sad

  2. @Mary
    As someone who has lived here 12 years and mixes with huge amount of spanish I certainly do think they are moving backwards. They have never been so nationalistic, sexist,and racist at any point I can remember since being here. It does help that large amount of the educated spanish have left which leaves a certain type of person I guess. I always thought this generation would move the country forward but unfortunately from a lot of experiences it’s only moving back.

  3. Mark, thanks for putting your time aside to post here as I can see you are mixing with the Spanish all the time and it comes across in all of your posts. Maybe I am going to say something controversial but my Wife has a traditional role but she also does do some work as well, she is a hard worker. She does all the cooking and collects the kids from school in the UK. She does not earn enough or have a job that would pay for someone else to do these tasks and we feel the kids benefit from their Mother being around. One of my sons friends has a working Mother and Father and he was in school clubs before and after school. Yes, they are loaded and have much material wealth, but is that a better way? More importantly, in Spain I get the feeling that women are not thought of as being level with men, they are thought of as being subservient. As an example, if you get a bill or you make an agreement the paper work always seems to be in my name, not both, when you are negotiating with someone they always talk to the male making the assumption that the female has no say in the matter… They pay women less than a man for the same job.. I was passing by a woman who was directing traffic with road works going on and my Spanish neighbour told me they use women for that work as they get paid less…

  4. I do spend fairly large chunk of my time with spanish mainly through work so do feel I have a good gauge of what Is going on. The work place does seem very male dominated here which have a lot to do with many small buisnesses being reluctant to employ women of a certain age just in case. This is mainly because if they get pregnant it can lead to it being very expensive and disruptive to a small buisness (I speak from experience)
    I would be very surprised to find women being paid less than men in most day to day type work as in most sectors there is a minual wage, I use catering and retail as an example of that. In more professional jobs where a salary is negotiable like doctors that may vary but I am not sure.
    However saying that in general woman are well represented in positions of power here in Spain with Fuengirola where I live having a female mayor for over 20 years and although she has stepped she has been replaced by another woman.
    A lot of the time in life the role of the woman as a homemaker is dictated by who’s earning power is great which in a lot of cases is men. I for one have had long periods at home when my wife has gone out to work and have no problem being a full time father.

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