PODEMOS have topped recent polls and are now the leading party claiming 27,7% of votes while the PSOE stand at 26,2%.
The Metroscopia poll for EL PAÍS places the PP at 20,7% with the two former parties blaming the seemingly never-ending corruption scandals for Podemos’ success.
Although Podemos has been anti-corruption from the start the PSOE and PP seem to only now be realising the extent of the public’s discontent and believe they can reclaim their leads by taking a strong anti-corruption stance themselves.
Podemos has voted through Pablo Iglesias’ and his team’s political model which received 80% of voters’ support.
Their final Citizens’ Assembly will be taking place between November 10 and 14 which is when the party’s cabinet will be voted in and their official leader – thought to be Pablo Iglesias – will be elected.
The architects of corruption are now blaming that very corruption for the surge in popularity of Podemos. Like it or not, on this showing, Podemos would appear to represent the future for Spain. It is to be hoped they are sincere and can resist the temptations that have blighted the traditional parties and reduced Spain to a tragic laughing-stock.
Good luck to them! I hope they win. Anything has got to be better than PPSOE…
As an expat for some years in Spain, the corruptible nature of almost every facet of local, regional and state government has finally given rise to Podemos.
The issue is when the talk is finished, can the implementation of change really function. Governance will be the real challenge!
That said, the people of Spain deserve so much better of a life.
They as a collective group have endured for many years. Hard working and dedicated, most only wish a change to succeed.
Leaving the Euro..and devalue the currency would be the first step
Viva Espana!
Good comment Derek, sorry I mean Randall.