12 Oct, 2014 @ 17:22
1 min read

UPDATE: Madrid hospital deemed ‘unprepared’ for Ebola outbreak

THE hospital treating Ebola victim Teresa Romero is not ‘suitable to deal with such outbreaks’, according to Spain’s Ebola committee.

A total of 14 people remain under observation in the hospital but only Romero has been confirmed a having contracted the virus.

Health minister Fernando Simon said improvements needed to be made to the isolation unit at Madrid’s Carlos III hospital.

Air locks between the isolation unit and the rest of the hospital need upgrading to prevent the disease spreading.

Romero remains in a stable but serious condition but showed signs of improving on Sunday.

A second nurse under observation left hospital late Saturday night after twice testing negatively for the disease.

Rob Horgan

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  1. Air locks? Thought it wasn’t airborne, that it could only be caught by contact with body exudations, not breath? So then planes would be ideal vectors of infection.

  2. It is not spread through the air. articles like this cause more panic. Irresponsible “journalism” on this site. please stick to what you know best: insulting spaniards in the south and whatever panic of the week rich UK expats are fake-offended by.

  3. Indeed Juan, assertions by experts are that the disease is not airborne, but why does your Health Minister say that “improvements, including air locks are required”?
    Or is the O.P. misreporting his words?

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