1 Oct, 2014 @ 13:24
1 min read

Animal rescue centre is ‘out of control’, admits owner

AN embattled animal rescue centre owner has admitted the place is ‘out of control’.

Kim Halliwell (pictured) has now agreed to allow an initial 15 dogs and many cats to leave her Mijas kennels, following an Olive Press investigation.

It comes after police also inspected the site, following various denuncias from former staff.

After we told of the ‘terrible conditions’ at Kim’s Animal Rescue, friends and supporters rallied around with the aim of cutting the number of animals by half.

The Olive Press attended an emergency meeting, spoke with various other centres and has found new volunteers.

We have now launched an appeal to find homes for the animals.

See Animal Rescue SOS: Olive Press appeal


Tom Powell

DO YOU HAVE NEWS FOR US at Spain’s most popular English newspaper - the Olive Press? Contact us now via email: newsdesk@theolivepress.es or call 951 273 575. To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618.


  1. On outside appearances this seems good, however there are around
    fifty dogs too many down there and over 100 cats. As the first article went to press she was still taking in dogs and pups some from as far away as Cadiz. This hopefully is just a start, and many more animals will be saved from KAR.

  2. A home was offered in the uk to the above dog called Lenny in Dec last year, The offer of a home still stands is there someone who can help to get this boy to the loving home he deserves with Haw Hector

  3. As I personally have had any faith in Kim and Kelly’s genuine care for the animals destroyed by what I have witnessed and experienced in my dealings with them during the time I was working there, my acute heart-ache and concern for the animals is now at least some-what eased by knowing that a lot of good people have now come forward to offer their involvement to help insure their well-being.I hope that the intention and vision the Olive Press is sharing with it’s readers will bare fruit and be something that will make a real, and most of all lasting, difference, as this will have been attemped many times before by other well-meaning people, but the effect would be short-term as Kim and Kelly would fall out with and get rid of people when they started to ask questions… I hope that complete transparency and accountability will be your demand to Kim and what you will expect from her – in all things, meaning that the treasurer will ensure accountability for every penny, kindly donated in good faith by people,and,also how much Kim charges to take in an animal or when adopting it. Also ensuring that microchipping, pasport, vaccinations etc are in fact done, and that needed medical treatment is given – some love would be great too!! – Accountability for each animal entering the place and for each one adopted – and where to. I hope that both the treasurer and volunters will have a contact person with The Olive Press that they can share any concerns with. I see your news paper as a representative for the public eye, which Kim and Kelly will now hopefully feel is upon them, as an insurance for the well-being of the animals, and I hope that your involvement will be a continuing thing, either by yourselves or somebody appointed by you to whom they will be accountable, now and in the future.I have seen a quote lately saying: ‘Speak your truth – even if your voice shakes’… and we are… and it is…! As an insurance of safety for myself and all the other people who have had the courage to step out and take a stand for the animals, I will say here that if any ‘accidents’ should happen to any of us now or in the future, then these events would be a good place to look in to first. I do also say this as my car was badly keyed on all 4 doors and the boot while parked on their land, straight after I had confronted them about the neglect of the horses – the very horses which CYD clamed back soon after and is now taking Kim to court for, due to starvaiton and mal-treatment, and was then asked by Kim to get off her land and not come back. I don’t know if The Olive Press will acknowledge or include this comment with the above public comments, but I know they will have read this, and we can not un-read something again, so what I have to say will have been said. Again, Thank You to The Olive Press for caring and looking in to this and to all the good people now getting together with the news paper to care for the animals. We are hopeful for the success of your intent and will be keeping and anxious eye on it all.

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