23 Aug, 2014 @ 11:00
1 min read

Research suggests sunshine reduces risk of dementia

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EVERYONE knows the Spanish sun does wonders for a tan, but new research suggests it could also significantly cut the risk of dementia.

Going against advice warning people to stay out of the sun to reduce the risk of skin cancer, this new research recommends making the most of the rays.

According to researchers at the University of Exeter, in the UK, people with low levels of vitamin D – obtained from sunshine – are twice as likely to develop dementia.

The study was carried out on 1,600 healthy Americans aged over 65. After five years 171 of them had developed dementia.

Those with a slight vitamin D deficiency had a 53% higher risk of dementia, while those with a serious deficiency had a 125% higher risk.

“We have been worried about skin cancer for so long, we have told people to stay out of the sun, use sunscreen, cover up, and the unintended consequence is more vitamin D deficiency,” said Dr David Llewellyn, who led the research.

“The potential for making a difference now is just enormous.”

Tom Powell

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1 Comment

  1. all this advise is a bit contradictory
    the sun gives you skin cancer always use sunblock even in the car
    then oh the chemicals in the sunblock may cause cancer

    now sun cure dementia
    Tell you what every morning get up go in the garden nude
    stand on your head and whistle Dixy/
    not only will it cure cancer but it will stop you getting Dementia as well

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