1 Jul, 2014 @ 08:30
1 min read

Rolling commentary

mark e

AS Spain and England crashed out of World Cup last week an uncomfortable quiet fell over Centro Plaza.

With only beer and hotdogs to provide solace, myself and Hifx’s business pals watched England’s miserable 11 crush the dreams of patriotic expats in Spain… thankfully FIFA restricted further World Cup coverage to FilmON viewers, cutting short the inevitable depression.

In better news, we have data galore this week: we have more positive news for the UK Economy, mortgage approval figures, the Nationwide House Price Index, Q1 GDP and the Bank of England Stability Report.

In Europe, it’s all about German manufacturing and consumer confidence. Can they recover from their sixth consecutive poor business sentiment survey? Well… ‘They always put in a good second half performance.’

The US have been reporting a consumer activity rebound, and tapered by another $10 billion last week. Every day this week we have key data – GDP Q1/ consumer sentiment/durable goods. Can they keep up the momentum?

We’re happy to help as always, but excuse the football puns… they’re all I have left!

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