23 Jun, 2014 @ 12:05
1 min read

Former King Juan Carlos in hot water over paternity claims

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FORMER King Juan Carlos is being threatened by two paternity suits.

Politicians have admitted that they are now rushing to pass new legislation to protect the ex-ruler.

Juan Carlos, 76, lost his immunity from prosecution following his abdication this month, after a 39-year reign.

According to a senior politician, amendments will be added to a package of judicial reforms so that only the Supreme Court can hear cases against him.

The two paternity suits were filed separately in 2012, but were not processed at the time due to his legal immunity.

Alberto Sola Jimenez from Catalunya and Ingrid Jeanne Satiau – a Belgian national – both claim to be the children of Juan Carlos.

Two years ago, a devastating book by Pilar Eyre suggested that Juan Carlos was a professional seducer who had bedded more than 1,500 women.

He was even rumoured to have made a pass at Princess Diana, when she was a guest at the former king’s summer palace in Majorca in 1986.

Imogen Calderwood

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  1. In a real democracy, NO ONE is above the Law of the land. Although it’s reported in Spain, some 10,000 politicians & Civil Servants have legal immunity from Justice. Hence, a Spokesperson for an Official in Spain, is more legally immune in office than the President of the USA, or PM in UK.. ??
    We are all equal!…. sure,
    but many in government are “more equal than others”! And now a reported proposed law to have the Queen and former Prince Philip have the same legal immunity. I wonder why?

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