SPAIN’S ambassador to China has had to apologise after a comedy show featured a sign reading ‘No Chinese or dogs’.
The programme Aida, broadcast on Telecinco, showed a racist bar owner putting up the sign when a Chinese person opened a shop nearby.
But the joke fell flat with the Chinese.
Jianxin, the leader of an association of Chinese hotel owners in Spain, said: “In some ways, humiliating the Chinese community has become a means of survival for local media channels which are in a bad economic state.”
Manuel Valencia, Spain’s ambassador to Beijing, apologised ‘profoundly for any offence given’.
Should help lots with the Chinese golden visa scheme lol.
This is totally unacceotable
remember the Chinese are everywhere in Spain
practically every remote village has a Chinese Bazarre and chinese restaurant
Another example of unconscious racism. It’s so embedded, they don’t even know they’re doing it. THINK, you morons.