6 Apr, 2014 @ 16:30
1 min read

Mediterranean diet helps prevent diabetes

Med diet

PRAISES are being sung again for the Mediterranean diet, which has now been proven to reduce the incidence of type two diabetes.

Spanish researchers found the diet, supplemented with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is more likely to prevent type two diabetes than a low fat diet, or one supplemented with mixed nuts.

A sample of 3,451 people aged between 55 and 80 took part in the study and were split into three groups.

The incidence of diabetes was 40% lower in those supplementing with EVOO, and 18% lower in those supplementing with mixed nuts, compared to the sample group which was not supplementing with anything.

Researchers said the inclusion of non-saturated fats, such as those found in EVOO and mixed nuts, was the key to reducing the chance of getting diabetes.

The same diet supplemented with EVOO was also recently championed for reducing the risk of dementia among older people.

This news follows our recent report that the Mediterranean diet also helps reduce dementia! So eat up…

Tom Powell

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