30 Mar, 2014 @ 14:00
1 min read

Children get up to half their daily salt intake during breakfast

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CHILDREN can eat almost half their daily limit of salt just during breakfast, a shocking new report has revealed.

The worst foods for unintentional salt intake are cereals and breads, which accounted for 36% of the daily intake for the children tested in the study.

Health experts have warned that consuming too much salt can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure, and that later health problems normally originate in a poor childhood diet.

Dr Graham MacGregor, professor of cardiovascular medicine at The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, said: “It is very difficult for parents to reduce children’s salt intake unless they avoid packaged and restaurant foods and prepare each meal from scratch using fresh, natural ingredients.”

Studies in the past have shown that a bowl of cornflakes can contain more salt that a bag of ready-salted crisps.

Imogen Calderwood

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  1. Some food manufacturers have the morals of a smack dealer.
    Salt is nothing more than a “cut” It is present simply as an adulterant. Claims made around the notion of “taste” are a lie. The same is true of sugar.
    The customer is being sold salt and sugar (very cheap substances) at the same price as corn flakes, beans, ketchup, mayo,bread or whatever. You want salt or sugar in/on your food? Then it should be up to the individual to add these semi-poisons themselves.

  2. Good post stefanjo,
    Lidls used to do a very simple muesli that contained zero sugar or salt just grains and dried fruit, now they sell something that contains so much sugar it is impossible for me to eat.

    Who would eat crisps that had no salt or chocolate without sugar, all the foods loaded with corn starch – profit before health, of course.

    It makes me shudder when I see all the fat slobs that have become the new norm, don’t they have any self respect or discipline at all.

    I’ve often wondered if this obesity was socially engineered by the elites at the end of the 1970s’ – fat slobs can’t threaten the status quo ergo they are easy to control.

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