27 Feb, 2014 @ 08:30
1 min read

E-cigarettes: Widely banned in Spain but booming in UK

WHILE the Spanish government banned e-cigarettes from public places this winter, research has revealed that the UK market for them is booming.

The health ministry reached an agreement in December to ban the use of battery-powered devices containing liquid nicotine from public transport, bars, offices, shops and schools.

The study by Mintel found that the UK e-cigarette market increased by 340% over the past year from an estimated £44 million in 2012 to roughly £193 million in 2013.

They also found more than three in 10 people agree there is a lack of information on the long-term effects of using e-cigarettes.

However, 10% of people who currently or used to smoke believe e-cigarettes encourage people to start smoking who otherwise would not have, rising to 19% of those aged 16-24.


Tom Powell

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  1. They look SO silly. The T.V. ads.for these things are aping the old fag ads. of years ago. Sexy, groovy, young. They are obviously trying to hook a new generation of mugs. It’s amazing that an addictive drug can be pushed like this.
    Actually, some pubs and restaurants in the U.K. are banning their use indoors, treating them the same as tobacco.
    The mistake the plastic fantastic manufacturers have made, is to allow “steam” to issue from them, allowing them to look as much like cigarettes as possible.

  2. O.K. John. Now make the next step, kick the whole thing into touch. How hard would that be now you are well primed with pure nicotine? (I speak as a previous smoking mug, B.T.W.)
    Go for it. The first twenty-four hours are the worst, getting up, not smoking, then going to bed again that night (and sleeping). After that, it’s really only three days of mortifying torture, then you’re in the clear. Well, with another fortnight of twitching. Honestly, it’s worth it. You can then be as smug as I am.

  3. Effective. My husband got one in early December. He hasn’t had a cigarette since. By Christmas he had reduced the nicotine % a few times and has been nicotine free since the new year.
    No mess around the house and no nasty smells. One step at a time.

  4. they are great…to ban them is stupid…….Disturbs no one…only water vapour…so what is the fuss about..??? Maybe the government prefers the Tax revenue from real tabaco….????

  5. ad, I think you have hit the nail on the head there. Don’t forget, tobacco is a very lucrative source of tax revenue and governments around the world are heavily dependant upon it. Spain would be in serious **** Street without this massive income stream.

    That said, most people I know prefer to smoke the real thing and only vap when they are in places where they can’t smoke.

  6. To All:

    Jane and Ad said it best. These countries, especially poorer countries, thrive off of tobacco and alcohol sales. The taxes paid on them is astronomical compared to other products sold-in per country. Same thing in the USA. There are still ongoing investigations and legal debates being done by these big name cigarette companies on why “vapor” cigs are more dangerous. They are 99% safer than regular cigarettes (no crazy harmful poisons except for nicotine of course) for yourself and the people around you. (Second hand smoke) All government fed. If people were asked the health risks on regular cigarettes, they would state the obvious also as they would the e-cigs….

  7. I think any method that will stop people smoking is excellent but why do these electronic cigarettes have to look like normal one’s and why do they have to emit a vapour that looks like a real cigarette. If it is only the nicotine content then make them look like chocolate finger biscuits. Trying to make their looks emulate a normal cigarette along with the adverts will pull young non smokers in and they may end up on the real ones.

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