25 Dec, 2013 @ 15:30
1 min read

Junta’s deals on wheels

motor auction

A CAR auction is being held by the cash-strapped Junta – with official motors being sold from as little as 200 euros.

So if you fancy a Lancia or want a Toyota for your motor, turn up at the Sevilla auction on February 4.

The Junta will auction off 82 official vehicles as part of cost-cutting measures aimed at balancing the Andalucian budget.

The vehicles – which are expected to sell at prices ranging from €200 to €5,000 – are generally in good condition, though some may need maintenance work.

The auction comes as the Junta restricts access to official vehicles, with only the most senior members retaining their cars.

The total valuation of the 82 cars is around €122,000.

The auction will be held on February 4, but interested parties only have until January 20 to submit their bids.

The lots will be awarded to the best offer, as long as bids reach at least 25% of the appraised value of the vehicle.

The vehicles – the majority of which were registered between 2000 and 2006 – include Peugeots, Lancias, Renaults, Citroens, Toyotas and BMWs.


  1. Retrieve the 1.3 billion euros the Junta has filched and stashed away in hundreds of secret bank accounts and they could give most of Andalucía’s residents a secondhand car.

  2. Had a look at the inventory, lots of large BMWs and Audis, obviously owned by ex-mayors and their cronies. First thing our mayor did was buy a new BMW when we came to office lol. Ah Spain.

  3. They re con €122000, will solve the crises ????? Which so mush corruption & mismanagement!!!!!!!!!!!.

    A corrupt EU member in 2014 and nothing is done about it. No wonder private investors stay away & locals suffer. Nothing short of a disgrace.

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