27 Nov, 2013 @ 14:30
1 min read

Demolition fear for 140 more homes

house demolitions

UP to 140 families could lose their homes in Almeria after the Superior Court of Justice in Andalucia (TSJA) ruled that their building permits are null and void.

The fears have been raised by a local pressure group that also claims the homeowners who did not take part in the proceedings may not be entitled to any compensation.

The court does not need to provide a time-scale of when the demolitions will take place, and homeowners in the Valley of Almanzora area could receive just 60 days notice informing them that their homes will be demolished.

But Zurgena Councillor Jim Simpson rejected the claims, last night, asserting that the case had not followed normal legal processes and that the ruling would soon be rejected.

The houses in question were all found to have been built on protected land, and though the largely expat community bought them in good faith, the court ruled that they should not have been granted permits and must be destroyed.

“It is important to make this public,” insisted Maura Hillen, President of Abusos Urbanisticos Almanzora No! (AUAN), a pressure group opposing the demolitions.

She said it was vital to highlight the disastrous consequences of the Junta’s mindless pursuit of imposing planning regulations, as well as to point out that many of the homeowners were not informed by the courts of the proceedings.

“If they were not informed, they can appeal,” she said. “If they were informed and did not take part in the proceedings, they have little room to manoeuvre and may not be entitled to compensation.”

Britain’s new ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, recently weighed into the dispute, saying, “I’ve heard some heart-rending stories. People have made a choice to come here, love Spain, but have now been left vulnerable.

“Now, the power isn’t in our hand to change that, but we can work with these people to influence those who do have the power.”

But local councillor, expat Jim Simpson rejected the concerns, claiming that the case was politically motivated.

He said, “This is a totally spurious story, with no basis in fact – whenever anything like this happens my advice to those affected is to make sure they seek professional advice, and not just listen to rumours.”

Eight houses in nearby Albox are also locked into the same process, with one case sent to the European Court of Human Rights.


  1. I am just waiting for one of those dimwits who post on here to tell me there are no problems because they don’t know anyone that this has happened to. Whilst they are quite funny posts for me to read some people who want to believe them will take it all in and shell out €200k on an illegal home. There are 100’s of thousands of illegal homes, don’t play Russian roulette with your money.

  2. If the money you borrowed to invest in offshore property and lost was obtained as equity release from your home through a UK broker and lender after October 2004 you could be entitled to compensation from funds set up in the UK to compensate such. It is called the FSCS and a recent test case against them provides the case law which if put correctly will almost certainly win if not all then a big chunk of your loss.

  3. Some good news and hopes for people that are trying to sell property and wish to return from one hell to another hell in the UK.

    Sales of property appear to be on the increase on the Costa Del Sol.

  4. RICCO,

    Could not quite understand what you were trying to say. Perhaps if i correct your spelling first, it may help.


    Not quite sure what you were trying to say?.

  5. Franco you imposter, you are Caccia, I’ve studied the way you post, exactly, yes exactly, the same way, and, the same bull—t. Look at your post to Reap above. When you offer to correct someone’s spelling, remember to put a capital ‘I’ in your sentence if it’s a word, not a small ‘i’. You really are a Troll, lol,lol!

    Good honest posts by Reap and Ricco though!

  6. Mike,
    Who is this “Caccia” guy. I happened to see the Reap guy making a fool of himself and waited as to what his response would be NOTHING.

    As for the “i”, it becomes a capital when commencing a sentence.

    No more please, don’t wish to get involved with the same crowd that had no answers to this “Caccia” guy.

  7. Caccy,
    your a bore, plain and simple, sometimes good for a laugh but in the end just boring.

    I think you have some short term memory problems because it was me who mentioned Mexico not Reap and yes like everything else you are wrong on that.

  8. To Stuart, Mike and all.

    My name is Franco, an Italian, living in Spain and Mr. Stuart i do own property in Mexico, so please, for your own sake look it up or better still get in touch with the Mexican Embassy in Spain and stop getting me confused with this Caccy or caccia guy.

    My attention was drawn to that particular item regarding your misinformed knowledge of the Mexican property market, or would you wish me to direct you to the site if you are not capable.

  9. Cacc Franco, you’ve been exposed again, ‘who is this Caccia guy’ indeed? It’s you posting under a different name now you know the meaning of cacc which some pointed out to you.

    Wrong again(as most of your posts are)on the letter ‘I’ in correct English, used at the beginning of a sentence as well as in a sentence as a word on it’s own, or small ‘i’ within another word!!!!lol lol

    Most of us know you are the Troll, you admitted it on here before lol lol

  10. Mike,

    Keep to the original story and try not to deviate in trying to prove you are a copper. Perhaps you could answer for Stuart as he appears to suddenly keep quiet on that subject regarding Mexico. Can also direct you to the site if wished instead of messing about with odd words

    From FRANCO. lol.

  11. Thank you Web Manager for confirming this.

    One doesn’t need to be a copper to sift this person out!

    What’s your defence now Cacc Franco, are you still going to deny it? lol, lol, lol,

    lol to the Troll, lol

  12. Mike,

    Pity you wrote your reply prior to my 6:57. Your one had not been listed when i replied to Web Manager and my one had shortly been listed as of yours.

    P.S I use the same email as his wife due to not owning a computer. Bad copper.

  13. You are completely mad Cacca Franco, having been found out on here, exposed for all to see you’re a fraud and a Troll, you still deny it.

    Earlier you asked ‘who is this Caccia guy’, you’ve concocted a pack of lies and you still deny you’re the same person but actually now you say you do know Caccia because you claim his wife uses the same email, and you use the same email as his wife, what are you on about?

    You don’t know who you are nor what you’ve said. Barking mad. Someone feed the Troll quick lol, lol

  14. This Cacayaya is probably on the 20th floor of a block of flats in Peckham, not sunny Spain. I have not replied to him as I have not been around and it is a waste of time, there is nothing going on between those ears. Even Roger Stevens has bailed out backing him up, that is how bad it is!

  15. I take back what I said about caccy being boring – I almost spilt my morning coffee reading the new posts.

    Love your last post Reap – great intro.

    Yes where is Roger/Rev. Stevens who also happens to be a teacher.

    Of course this thread is manna from heaven for a newspaper – it keeps us coming back and my friends in Germany and the Netherlands are screaming with laughter – and all for free.

  16. I can quite understand why Roger Stevens has not replied to any of the ridiculous stuff being thrown.

    When I first made a comment on olive press on the site regarding a possible 50% reduction of property it was for perhaps a serious debate and of the opinion of persons that replied, but then if one looks back people suddenly became hostile to others opinion.

    It was due to a comment I made and still adhere to that pensioners that are financially secure find a better quality of life here in Spain, that is why they moved here and asked at the same time why they had moved here which nobody had replied to.

    This was followed with all kinds of innuendos from people that didn’t agree. Such as homes not being sold, people out of work, taxation system and so on. I shall repeat, there is no difference in the taxation system in Spain as in the UK except for perhaps death duties. In the UK it comes under Assets and Capital gains, and naturally if one does not like the life and system here in Spain and are able to move back to the UK then there is nothing stopping them. But please don’t start with stuck with unsold properties, people out of work etc, but perhaps an honest and a more positive reply in saying that one had a job and the villa of flat is not for sale i like living here. Simple as that.

    So please in future if one wishes to keep to a coherent sensible conversation without accusations then i would suggest that people seek proper advice on the subject they wish to talk about,m it’s easy really, just look up the subject on the internet.

  17. Reap, you are too kind to him, that would make him a pent-house resident surely, I’d have thought maybe some basement flat.

    However, we all know he’s been found out so await his next metamorphosis, but he would have to change his predictable style. Good of OP’s web manager to confirm above.

  18. When dealing with people that have nothing to add sensibly then it’s a waste of time.

    None of the people that has written on olive press have given a reason as to why they remain in Spain. It could be problems in the U.K or just can’t afford to return.

    As for the “copper” three people use this particular email and there is a good reason which any bright spark would know.

    As for the person that mentioned the Autumn budget clearly show’s he has never been in business and I’ve sacked people with higher mentality and they were labourers.

    One can tell by the response received that their brains must be somewhere between their legs and unfortunately their parents done nothing in lifting them higher.

    I’m afraid I agree with The Lord Mayor of London on his comments regarding some people will always remain lower class due to their mentality.

    I hope in future that some sense will prevail for some but I have my doubts. You know the old saying, “once thick, always thick”.

  19. See you’ve decided to post under your other name Franco Cacc.Have you given up the name Franco now?

    More of your rubbish spouting that 3 people use ‘this particular email’ which is yours alone, and you post under all those names.

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