20 Nov, 2013 @ 10:59
1 min read

Animal charities unite in bid to stop slaughter of feral cats


A PETITION has been launched to stop the mass round up and slaughter of feral cats in the city of Almeria.

PAWS is working with Activismo Por Los Animales, which had been looking after the colony until the ayuntamiento began rounding them up and putting them in the city’s pound.

A spokesperson for the charity said: ““The ayuntamiento has been separating the kittens from their mothers and cramming them into inadequate pens”

“The poor things are already half dead with fright because all they can hear is the constant barking of dogs.”

The petition, hosted on change.org, has already attracted over 2,000 signatures.

Supporters are also being asked to send letters to Carlos Sanchez Lopez, the health minister, asking him to halt the slaughter and introduce a more humane programme of neutering the animals.

Those wishing to sign the petition can find details and the ‘form’ letter to the ayuntamiento here.

Claire Wilson

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  1. Cats are pets !! Keep them inside the house !! Therefore there will be no killing them !!
    If you’re an owner, and care about your pet cat ?? Why are you not keeping it inside your house ?? Or at least on a cat leash outside ??

  2. Pedro,
    it’s the Spanish who abandon animals because the Catholic church says it is wrong to take a life – much better to dump them say the priests.

    Just take a look at all the dogs they abandon on the autoroute slip roads, something I know only too well, I’ve seen all the carcasses.

  3. Said in a true RACIST style Fred. You should get together with Reap on here. lololol major yawn… Get another less sad and more contemporary catchphrase gramps!

    Pedro, cats in the countryside keep down vermin. If looked after properly (neutered etc) they are no problem. It’s just the irresponsible so called owners that breed out of control colonies, or who feed these random colonies that are unfortunately the problem.

  4. YOU are the only targeting (Ad Hominem.. such a POMPOUS phrase) person on this site Fred. I respond, that’s why it’s called a blog you numpty!

    Try saying something that’s actually useful, related to this article, rather than JUST attacking people.

  5. My penny’s worth.

    Has anyone really tried keeping a pet cat on a leash, in a garden, in a patio? I have, and I swear the kitty could have won the Houdini prize for getting out of the leash-collar/ harness quicker than the time it took me to put it on.

    It is different if you have a cat in a flat and hopefully living on a high floor. You then have only the door to worry about. First floor dwellers, and the cat is out the window sooner than you can say whiskers.

    Which comes to my penny’s worth to finding a solution. Neutering – and for the owners peace of mind, chipped, then everybody is happy, except the frisky cats of course.

    Cats keep vermin down in the countryside AND in the cities and properly controlled they are an asset and cost much less than the Pied Piper.

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