18 Oct, 2013 @ 13:48
1 min read

Andalucia poorest region in Spain


ABOUT 40% of the population lives below the line of poverty in Andalucia.

According to a study conducted by the region´s branch of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN-A), 3.5 million people live within the circle of poverty in the south of Spain.

The study called Poverty 3.0, Poverty advances, reports that the region has the highest unemployment rate of the country (38.5%), and notes that one in every four poor Spanish is Andalucian.

Lola Garcia, director of the EAPN-A, explained to the Olive Press that the study doesn’t take in account economic poverty alone.

“When we say poverty, we are not only talking about low salaries, but about unemployment rates; education levels; living conditions and the ability to deal with unexpected expenses,” she said.

In fact, the study shows that 66% of Andalucian children don’t have access to any  educational resources.

For the authors of the study, the poverty in the region is “alarming”, especially when compared to the Government’s budget for 2014; social security cash will be cut by 36% while there will be a 39% increase funding for the armed forces. .

“The numbers of poverty and social exclusion are growing at the same rate that the policies of social protection go down,” the study states.

The gap between rich and poor is now seven times bigger in the region since the beginning of the crisis.



  1. It is the duty of every government to look after ALL the people, not just a few. I see no plans being made for the future generations here in Spain.It is obvious that the young will leave Spain having received their education here. Not much future planning in that. We live in Olvera and there is no evidence of the government caring at all about the situation they are creating.

  2. Not to worry – they put the council tax up 30% and the bin collection 20%.
    So the people without jobs AND no state help can pay higher bills.
    The mismanagement by the local and national government is disgusting!
    Hey, lets complain about Gibraltar again…

  3. Es triste creer,que la poblacion de andalucia,esten pasando por esa situacion precaria. espana es el pais mas turistico en el mundo,por eso mismo,recibe mucho dinero de turistas. Dios bendiga andalucia. Gracias. Enrique

  4. So in order to combat the problem, the socialist/communist Junta de Andalucia do everything they can to kickstart the economy and create jobs by encouraging inward investment and giving foreign investors the confidence to start up businesses/buy property in Andalucia – not. The socialists have been in power for 30 years now and their only achievement is complete failure – great stuff. Perhaps demolishing expat’s houses is some sort of job creation scheme? The only way Andalucia will ever get out of this mess is to boot out the brain dead Junta and their despotic regime. They have failed their people and are not fit for purpose.

  5. Well said Loo, but I must challenge you on one point – the swivel eyed lunatics at the Junta do have another achievement. Andalucia has been voted “Banana Republic of Spain 2014” according to Andaluz.tv. Bravo Junta, keep ’em poor, dependent and stupid enough to carry on voting for you so you can line your pockets even more.

  6. Poor Andalucians maybe they should have voted in another government when they had the chance!

    So much mining potential yet their flagship mine Rio Tinto is in permitting stage where it has been for the last 5 years! And they want inward investment for the mining sector. Who would possibly want to invest in Spanish mining when just to restart a mine (that has been mined before) takes over 5 years!

    Coruption, coruption, coruption!

  7. @ Sr Lopez…..”God bless Andalucía”???…I doubt that will help…It may well make you sad to witness los Andaluces having such a bad time. But it is YOU (plural), the voter, who, through your ‘así son las cosas’ attitude which has led to 30 years of staggering incompetence (not to mention corruption, alleged and proven) at all levels of regional government…And Spain is NOT the global tourist hot spot…Your compatriots have yet to realise that tourism is not an entitlement but an industry that has to be nurtured by creating an environment where tourists want to return because of the experience and not simply because it’s (arguably) the cheapest. And I have yet to see any positive changes brought about by the appointment of Susana Díaz.

  8. I am curious to know how the data was retrieved. I cannot speak for all Andalucians, but I do know of a town in Cordoba where the majority of the people are part of a scam to collect double wages. They work at their own ceramic factory without paying taxes then work in the fields for 3 months, whereby they qualify for unemployment. So they collect twice then claim they are broke. Yet in the Summer time they all go to Marbella. They have a nice racket going on, Spanish mob! Don’t be fooled they have no money. They live in luxury, but well hidden.

    • Oooh! Isn’t that awful! (If true) Much more reprehensible than their political masters who take untold millions. How dare the Hoi Polloi aspire to be as bent as them.

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